In general, drivers are required to travel in the correct direction with the flow of traffic. If a negligent driver enters a lane going the wrong way, they may put other drivers at extreme risk of injury in a head-on collision or another type of accident.
If you or your loved ones were injured under such circumstances, a Buffalo wrong-way accident lawyer from Morelli Law Firm may be able to represent you. This would allow us to coordinate all aspects of your insurance claim or lawsuit while you focus on recovering from your injuries.
For a free consultation on your case with a member of our team, call Morelli Law Firm today at (212) 751-9800. We offer representation on a contingency-fee-basis with no advanced payments required to start.
Causes of Wrong-Way Accidents
Motorists may find themselves moving in the wrong way on the roads for many reasons. Unfamiliarity with an area is a leading cause of wrong-way accidents.
For example, a negligent driver who is not familiar with driving on Buffalo roads may not recognize a one-way road or fail to see a sign indicating the correct flow of traffic.
Other causes of wrong-way car crashes may include:
- Taking short cuts
- Making improper U-turns
- Drunk driving
- Fatigued driving
- Improper use of emergency turnarounds
- Trying to pass a vehicle illegally
- Drifting into oncoming traffic due to driver distraction
Regardless of the reasons that made the driver head the wrong way, they may be liable for any accident they cause by violating a traffic law.
Sometimes, a wrong-way accident may be caused by the negligence of a non-driver party. This may include:
- A negligence mechanic who caused a vehicle system to malfunction and create a wrong-way accident
- A negligent municipality who failed to install road safety signs indicating the correct directions for traffic
Morelli Law Firm can investigate your accident and identify the liable party or parties when we represent you
Have You Been Injured In An Accident? Contact Morelli Law
877-751-9800Working with Morelli Law Firm on Your Case
A Buffalo wrong-way accident lawyer from Morelli Law Firm may be able to build your case and manage your insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit when we represent you.
Our legal services may include:
- Communicating with all parties on your behalf
- Filing your personal injury claim and/or lawsuit
- Obtaining the police report and any photo or video evidence from the scene of the case
- Obtaining testimony from witnesses and accident reconstruction experts
- Collecting evidence of your damages and their value
- Handling settlement discussions with the responsible party’s insurance company
- Taking your case to trial, if necessary
To learn more about our services and your legal options in a free consultation with a member of our team, call Morelli Law Firm today (212) 751-9800.
Injuries in Wrong-Way Car Accidents
A wrong-way accident can cause a wide range of serious injuries. These may include:
- Fractured bones
- Chest injuries
- Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
- Spinal cord injuries
- Whiplash
- Disfigurement
- Internal bleeding
- Airbag impact injuries
- Cuts and bruises
Make sure to see a doctor as soon as possible after your accident to receive treatment and to create evidence in your medical record that the wrong-way accident was the cause of your injuries.
Fatal Wrong-Way Accidents
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) estimates that 300 to 400 Americans die every year due to wrong-way accidents.
If you lost your loved one in a wrong-way accident, please accept our condolences. Morelli Law Firm also handles wrongful death lawsuits. If you qualify, we may be able to help you pursue compensation in a wrongful death case. Call us today to learn more about the specifics of this type of civil action.
Contact our Buffalo Car Accidents Lawyers today
877-751-9800Recoverable Damages in a Wrong-Way Accident Case
Depending on the nature of your accident and your injuries, the potentially recoverable damages in a personal injury case may include:
- Post-accident emergency medical care
- Current and future costs of medical treatment, including rehabilitation, physical therapy, medications, and more
- Lost wages
- Property damage
- Pain and suffering
In a wrongful death case, depending on your relationship with the decedent, the potentially recoverable damages may include:
- Funeral and burial costs
- Pre-death medical care
- Loss of support
- Loss of inheritance
The Deadlines to Sue in New York
According to New York’s Civil Practice Law & Rules (CVP) §214, you generally have a three-year statute of limitations, or legal time limit, to file a personal injury lawsuit in New York. The clock typically begins running on the date of the accident.
For a wrongful death lawsuit, the statute of limitations is generally two years from the date of the decedent’s death, per New York Estates, Powers & Trusts (EPT) §5-4.1.
If you fail to adhere to the time limits in your case, you may lose your ability to recover compensation for your damages via a lawsuit. For information on what deadlines apply to your wrong-way accident case, call Morelli Law Firm. The sooner you call us, the sooner we can start working for you.
Call Morelli Law Firm Today
A Buffalo wrong-way accident lawyer from Morelli Law Firm can stand by your side through the duration of your personal injury or wrongful death case when we represent you. Our staff will be happy to answer your questions and update you on your case throughout our work together.
Call Morelli Law Firm today at (212) 751-9800 for a free case review with a member of our team. If you qualify, we may be able to provide you with representation on a contingency-fee-basis. There are no up-front payments required in this payment structure. Instead, our attorney fees come as a percentage of your settlement offer or court award, if and when you win your case.
Call or text 877-751-9800 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form