The consequences of losing a loved one in a car accident may include additional bills, loss of income, and, above all, the pain of knowing that someone you loved very much was taken from you before their time.
A Long Island fatal accident lawyer may be able to help you hold the liable party responsible and fight for much-needed financial compensation. Call the Morelli Law Firm at (212) 751-9800 to learn more about your legal options in a free case review.
Fatal Accidents Causes Stem from Human Error
According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), 36,560 people were killed in motor vehicle accidents in 2018. People in passenger cars comprised 35 percent of these fatalities.
How do such accidents happen? In many cases, human error is a critical factor, such as in accidents involving:
- Drinking and driving: According to the NHTSA, 10,511 people were killed in alcohol-related accidents in 2018. That is just under 30 percent of all traffic fatalities reported that year.
- Driving while distracted: Texting, changing the volume on the radio, and turning to talk with someone else in the car are just a few ways that a driver may be distracted long enough to make a fatal mistake.
- Disregarding traffic signals: Traffic lights and signs exist to keep everyone safe. Anyone who refuses to obey them is gambling with their own life and with yours.
Sometimes, accidents are caused by factors beyond the other driver’s control. For example, a driver might lose control of their vehicle because of a sudden malfunction in their engine, brakes, or tires. No matter who is responsible – be it a driver, an auto manufacturer, or another party – you might be able to sue for compensation in the wake of your loved one’s passing.
The Morelli Law Firm understands that money cannot make up for your loved one’s loss. However, getting compensation can make it easier for you to provide for your family and cover bills generated by your loved one’s untimely passing. Call us at (212) 751-9800 to find out how we may be able to help you with your case.
Have You Been Injured In An Accident? Contact Morelli Law
877-751-9800You and Your Family Might Qualify for Damages
Per the New York Estates, Powers, & Trusts Law (EPT) §5-4.1, you have two years from your loved one’s death to bring a lawsuit. Once this deadline passes, it may be too late for you to recover damages. For this reason, it is vital that you act quickly.
Your loved one’s passing likely affected you and your family in many ways. For emotional and physical suffering, you may seek non-economic damages. Common examples of non-economic damages include:
- Pain and suffering: Your loved one’s injuries caused them physical and/or emotional distress.
- Reduced quality of life: After the accident, your loved one could no longer care for themselves or participate in activities they used to enjoy.
- Loss of society or companionship: You lost someone very dear to you and are now deprived of their love and support.
For monetary losses, you may seek economic damages. Common examples of economic damages include:
- Medical bills: Your loved one received medical care, which may have involved hospital stays, surgeries, prescriptions, and physical therapy.
- Funeral expenses: You paid to give your loved one a proper burial and funeral service and settle their estate.
- Loss of financial support: Without your loved one’s income, you are finding it more difficult to make ends meet.
We know it may be hard to think about your loved one’s passing in enough detail to create a complete and recoverable list of damages. However, it is a necessary step toward receiving financial compensation. If you find this or any other legal task difficult to cope with alone, consider hiring a Long Island fatal accident lawyer to do it for you.
Let the Morelli Law Firm Fight for You
What goes into a lawsuit? How long will it take to get your money? That all depends on how complicated your loved one’s accident is and whether the liable party’s insurance company is willing to cooperate with your family’s compensation demands. No matter how difficult your case, the Morelli Law Firm is ready and willing to fight on your behalf.
Learning More About Your Case
When you call our office, our first step is to listen to your account of the accident and tell you if you have a viable case. If you do, we may begin investigating your crash. This investigation may include visiting the scene, finding witnesses, and collecting documentary evidence.
What is the purpose of this investigation? There are two: to prove the liable party was mostly, if not entirely, responsible for the crash and to prove that your loved one and your family suffered as a direct result of the liable party’s actions.
Seeking Compensation
There are two ways to receive compensation: through negotiations or a trial.
Negotiating a pretrial settlement tends to be the quicker, easier way of getting money. Your lawyer may sit down with the liable party’s insurance company and try to convince them to compensate you for your damages. If they agree, we will make sure their offer is fair before you sign it. If not, we can take the case to court on your behalf.
Supporting You
We know that this is a tough time for you and your family. Feel free to call us with questions or concerns as they pop up. Your lawyer will do their utmost to take the mystery out of the legal process and keep you updated about your lawsuit.
On behalf of everyone at the Morelli Law Firm, we are deeply sorry for your loss. If you want help with your wrongful death lawsuit, call us at any time at (212) 751-9800. A Long Island fatal accident lawyer from our office would be happy to do all of the legal work so that you can focus on your family during this trying time.
Call or text 877-751-9800 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form