Many drivers know what they are supposed to do after they get into an accident. They pull over, exchange information with the other driver or drivers, and call the police. The police officers then come and fill out a report. What happens when this does not go as planned, though? What happens when a motorist hits you and then flees the scene?
In that case, you might want to get assistance from a Long Island hit and run accident lawyer. Call (212) 751-9800 to get a free consultation. A staff member from Morelli Law Firm can tell you more about your legal options and how you might pursue damages. There is no obligation, and we only accept payment for our labor if you win your case.
People Flee an Accident Scene for Several Reasons
There are a few reasons why a driver might flee the scene of an accident. For example:
They Might Have Panicked
Sometimes a driver just panics, especially if they believe that an accident was their fault. Their “fight or flight” instinct kicked in, and they picked flight. Sometimes drivers turn themselves in and admit to being part of a motor vehicle accident later on once they calm down.
They Were Not Seen
In cases where only property damage occurred, such as cases involving a collision between a driver and a parked car, someone might drive off simply because they thought nobody saw them. They did not see any reason to accept the consequences of their actions because no one was around to call them out on it.
They Were Engaged in Illegal Behavior
In some cases, drivers might have fled the scene because they were engaged in illegal behavior. There might have been something in the car that they would not want police to find when called to the scene.
More commonly, they might have been driving while impaired by drugs or alcohol. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the yearly costs of accidents involving impaired drivers can climb as high as $44 billion. Despite awareness campaigns to prevent drunk driving, too many drivers still do the act, putting lives and property at risk.
They Do Not Have Insurance
Insurance coverage is mandatory, but there are still drivers who take the risk and drive without it. According to the Insurance Information Institute (III), in some states, as many as one in five drivers do not have the minimum insurance coverage required by law. A driver who does not have insurance might be forced to pay for damages out of their pocket if found at fault for an accident. To avoid this possibility, they might flee an accident scene.
Have You Been Injured In An Accident? Contact Morelli Law
877-751-9800There Are Unique Challenges in Hit and Run Accident Cases
Hit and run accident cases can present some unique challenges. In many cases, if you get into an accident, you might exchange contact and insurance information with the other driver. You may then be able to pursue compensation by filing a lawsuit against the other driver’s insurance company.
In a hit and run accident, you might not know who hit you. You might have to rely on the police to find the other driver or hope that they turn themselves in. If the driver is found and it turns out that they lack insurance coverage, that presents another problem. Some drivers who drive without insurance do it because of their financial situation. The hit and run driver’s lack of assets might make it harder to pursue damages.
The unique complexities of a hit and run accident case might be hard to navigate on your own. That is why we strongly recommend asking for the assistance of a Long Island hit and run accident lawyer. Call Morelli Law Firm at (212) 751-9800 to get a free consultation from a member of our team.
You Might Be Able to Get Compensation Through Your Insurance
In some cases, your own insurance coverage might help you pay for some or all of the damages from a hit and run accident. Uninsured motorist coverage is mandatory in New York. In the case of a hit and run, where the other driver is uninsured or was never found, this coverage might help pay for damages related to bodily injury.
For property damage expenses, you might need collision insurance or comprehensive insurance coverage. These policies cover damage to your vehicle from multiple sources and may help you pay for repairs when the other driver can or will not.
If your own insurance does not cover the full cost of your medical expenses or the cost of repairing or replacing your property, you might want to consider pursuing damages in a civil lawsuit.
Pursuing Damages
A car accident can cause thousands of dollars in damages. If you or a loved one suffered an injury in a motor vehicle collision with a hit and run driver, you might be entitled to receive compensation for various types of damages, such as:
- Medical damages
- Lost wages
- Reduced earning potential
- Loss of enjoyment
- Pain and suffering
- Property damages
The injuries suffered in a motor vehicle accident can have a lasting effect on your life. The compensation that you receive should reflect that.
Contact our Long Island Car Accidents Lawyers today
877-751-9800How a Lawyer Can Assist You
A Long Island hit and run accident lawyer may handle all aspects of your case, including:
- Filing your suit
- Acting as your advocate
- Gathering evidence
- Identifying liable parties
- Making your case in court if need be
Time can move quickly after an accident as you try to recover and get back to life as usual. New York Civil Practice Law & Rules (CVP) §214 generally gives you just three years to seek damages in a personal injury lawsuit. You might want to act quickly and hire a lawyer as soon as possible so that you do not miss the statutory deadline.
Call Morelli Law Firm for a Free Consultation
There is no reason to pursue justice all by yourself. Let a Long Island hit and run accident lawyer from Morelli Law Firm assist you with your case. Call (212) 751-9800 for a free, no-obligation consultation with a member of our car accident team.
Call or text 877-751-9800 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form