The law is clear when it comes to rules and regulations regarding traffic signal use. If you or someone you love was injured by a driver who broke these rules on Long Island, Morelli Law Firm might be able to help you pursue compensation in a personal injury case. The recoverable damages in this type of action may include your costs of treatment, lost wages, and other accident-related losses.
A Long Island Failure to obey traffic signals accident lawyer from Morelli Law Firm may be able to prove the at-fault driver’s negligence, fault, and responsibility for your damages when we represent you.
For a free case review with a member of our team, call Morelli Law Firm today at (212) 751-9800.
Start Building Your Personal Injury Claim Now
On Long Island, your right to financial compensation is limited by New York’s statute of limitations. According to New York Civil Practice Law & Rules (CVP) §214, you generally have three years to file your personal injury lawsuit. Three years might seem like a long time, but the clock starts ticking the day the accident occurs and can run out faster than you think.
The physical injuries you sustain in the accident might prevent you from taking immediate action on your own behalf. When Morelli Law Firm represents you, we can keep the filing deadline in mind and work hard to ensure compliance.
In addition to ensuring your claim is filed on time, our team can also identify the cause of the accident, assign a value to your compensation claim, and build a solid evidence file to use in your insurance claim or lawsuit.
Have You Been Injured In An Accident? Contact Morelli Law
877-751-9800Establishing Negligence in a Car Accident Case
Most personal injury claims are dependent on proving the negligence led to the accident. The other driver’s refusal or inability to obey a posted traffic sign or signal might form the foundation of negligence in your case.
Morelli Law Firm’s investigative team may be able to use your crash report to support your negligence claim. We can also carefully interview anyone who witnessed the accident and might even be able to locate traffic camera footage that proves the other driver disregarded a traffic command and collided with your vehicle. We may also be able to hire accident reconstruction experts to testify in your defense.
Once our team has established negligence and assigned liability to the at-fault driver, we can evaluate your expenses and losses and assign a monetary value to your financial compensation claim.
Track the Cost of Your Injuries and Injury-Related Damages
Depending on the severity of your accident injuries, your medical and other expenses can be extensive. Morelli Law Firm can review your claim and help you calculate the following damages you might be entitled to recover:
- Current and anticipated medical expenses
- Current and anticipated loss of income
- Property repair and replacement costs
- Pain and suffering
- Disability and disfigurement
- Mental and emotional distress
A Long Island Failure to obey traffic signals accident lawyer from Morelli Law Firm may be able to help you create a complete list of your accident and injury-related expenses to ensure your claim is accurately valued.
Make sure to retain any evidence you have that demonstrates the value of your damages, such as:
- Medical records
- Medical bills
- Prescription receipts
- Vehicle repair bills
- Vehicle replacement value
- Documentation of your lost wages
For a free consultation on your case with a member of our team, call Morelli Law Firm today at (212) 751-9800.
Contact our Long Island Car Accidents Lawyers today
877-751-9800Wrongful Death Cases
A failure to obey traffic signals may result in a fatal accident. If your loved one lost their life in a traffic accident caused by someone else, Morelli Law Firm offers you our condolences.
Morelli Law Firm also handles wrongful death cases. After this type of accident, we may be able to help you pursue compensation for wrongful death damages such as funeral and burial expenses and pre-death medical care.
Note that, per New York Estates, Powers & Trusts (EPT) §5-4.1, the general statute of limitations for wrongful death lawsuits in New York is two years.
Experience the Benefits of Hiring a Lawyer
Hiring a law firm to handle your personal injury claim can mean you have time to focus on rebuilding your life after an accident while we focus on building your case for compensation. When you trust us with your accident claim, Morelli Law Firm may be able to:
- Communicate with all parties on your behalf
- Compile supporting evidence and build a strong case file
- Obtain and complete insurance forms
- Obtain and file court forms and documents
- Negotiate with the responsible party’s insurance company for a settlement offer
- Take your case to trial
Morelli Law Firm is committed to defending our clients’ rights. When we work together on your case, you can expect us to listen to the details of your accident with compassion, work hard on your behalf, and regularly update you on the progress of your claim.
Our Focus Is Your Financial Recovery
Were you or someone you love injured in a car accident on Long Island? If so, a Long Island Failure to obey traffic signals accident lawyer from Morelli Law Firm may be able to represent you. No matter why the other driver disregarded the traffic signal, their negligence might entitle you to financial compensation for your injuries and their related expenses.
To learn more about working with Morelli Law Firm in a free consultation on your case with a member of our team, call us today at (212) 751-9800.
Because we work on a contingency-fee-basis, our clients are not obligated to pay us up-front for our services. We only collect attorney fees if and when our clients win their case.
Call or text 877-751-9800 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form