A car accident in White Plains, New York, can be a stressful event. When a driver flees the scene after hitting someone else’s car, this can leave the victim confused and frustrated, potentially at a loss of what to do. If you or a loved one was injured in a hit and run accident, you might be wondering how you can resolve your situation and if there is anything you can do to get compensation for your losses.
A White Plains hit and run accident lawyer may be able to help your case, even if a driver who hit your car left the scene without exchanging information or accepting responsibility for their actions. You do not have to find financial solutions after a car accident on your own. With the support of a lawyer, you may be able to:
- Locate and identify the at-fault vehicle owner or driver
- Seek compensation from your own insurance provider
- Reap the benefits of your mandatory personal injury protection (PIP) coverage
A hit and run accident may be more difficult to investigate and recover from financially than an accident where the at-fault party accepts responsibility. If you are hoping to identify the driver who fled your accident and potentially recover compensation for your injuries and losses from them, our client care team may be able to help you in your search. Contact the personal injury team at Morelli Law Firm by calling (212) 751-9800.
Document Your Accident and Your Injuries
In White Plains, it is illegal to leave the scene of a car accident, according to the New York Vehicle and Traffic Laws (VAT) §600. Even as the injured party, you are still required to stay at the accident scene and exchange driver’s licenses and insurance information with the other driver. You should also call the police to the accident scene immediately to file a crash report. According to the VAT §605, filing a crash report is mandatory if the accident led to an injury or fatality or if more than $1,000 worth of property damage is readily apparent.
Filing a crash report may protect you from false claims about the cause and effect of the accident at a later date. It may also provide your lawyer with important information that can help identify the at-fault driver and their vehicle. The report might have witness statements and contact information as well.
If the at-fault driver left any piece of evidence behind that might lead to identifying them, the police report might contain details of this evidence. Do not underestimate the value of filing a crash report even if you are the only driver who remained at the scene to do so.
Additional Documents May Support Your Compensation Claim
Your crash report can play a critical part in your compensation claim. You may also use other documents and evidence to bolster and support your claim. Our team might request the following items:
- Medical records
- Medical bills
- Witness statements
- Pictures of your injuries
- Pictures of your vehicle
- Pictures of the accident scene
As soon as possible, jot down as much information as you can about the at-fault driver’s vehicle. Make a note of the car’s color, size, make, and model as well as a description of the driver. These details may help the police locate the at-fault driver or their vehicle.
Have You Been Injured In An Accident? Contact Morelli Law
877-751-9800Do Not Give Up on Getting Paid Simply Because the Other Driver Fled
When a person gets severely hurt in a motor vehicle accident, they may pursue the at-fault driver and their insurance company for compensation. So, what can you do if the at-fault driver leaves the scene without contact? After a hit and run accident, you may still have options for financial compensation. You might be able to pursue:
- The at-fault driver if they get identified
- Your personal injury protection (PIP) coverage
- Your own insurance provider
You may be entitled to get compensated for the following damages:
- Current and future medical bills
- Current and future income loss
- Property repair or replacement
- Physical pain and suffering
- Mental and emotional distress
If someone you love was fatally injured in a hit and run accident, you might also be entitled to the costs of their funeral and burial, projected income loss, and loss of companionship. Your lawyer may be able to help you define the specific expenses and losses that will make up your potential compensation claim.
Get Financial Protection from Your PIP Policy
The New York State Department of Financial Services (DFS) provides details on the type and amount of coverage you can anticipate receiving from your PIP insurance coverage. PIP policies generally cover:
- Reasonable medical expenses
- Reasonable rehabilitation services
- Lost wages and income (up to 80 percent)
- The cost of necessary household help
- Transportation to and from medical appointments
Your White Plains hit and run accident lawyer can help determine who to pursue additional coverage from if your accident-related expenses exceed PIP’s $50,000 coverage limit. Learn more about your potential financial recovery options after a hit and run accident when you contact the personal injury team at Morelli Law Firm by calling (212) 751-9800.
Get Financial Protection from Your Insurance Policy
The DFS also defines the coverage you can expect from the uninsured motorist portion of your insurance policy. Like PIP coverage, uninsured motorist coverage is mandatory for all registered drivers in the state of New York.
You may want to promptly file a claim using this portion of your claim because an accident that happens in White Plains is governed by the state’s statute of limitations. According to the New York Civil Practice Law & Rules (CVP) §214, you generally have three years from the date of the accident to seek compensation for its financial aftermath. Our team will make sure you comply with the filing deadline.
You May Be Able to Recover from a Hit and Run Accident
You do not have to carry the financial burden of another driver’s negligence because they fled the scene. A White Plains hit and run accident lawyer may be able to help you get the financial compensation you might need by identifying the at-fault driver or by seeking coverage from your own insurer. Find out how when you contact the personal injury team at Morelli Law Firm by calling (212) 751-9800 today.
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