Around 100 drugs each year receive a Class I recall from the FDA. This is the most serious kind of recall and totally removes a product from the market. If the public is fortunate, these serious issues are found before anyone gets hurt. Sometimes, they’re not.
If you’ve been hurt by a drug or had a loved one die from a drug sold on the market, don’t hesitate. Call our defective drugs lawyers in Englewood. The team at Morelli Law has years of experience fighting for the rights of victims against the might of pharmaceutical companies.
Our History of Fighting Defective Drug Cases
In addition to being co-counsel on major mass tort drug cases like Vioxx and Advantia, our main partner, Benedict Morelli, helped achieve the largest vaccine injury payout in American history so far. In that case, a man suffered from polio that was caught through changing his daughter’s diaper.
In that case, the Orimune vaccine had live polio inside it and caused permanent paralysis in our client. The jury awarded the family $22.5 million. Since then, Mr. Morelli has helped us fight many other defective drug cases.
Now it’s your turn to receive help for your drug injury. Pharmaceutical companies have huge pockets and skilled lawyers of their own. You don’t want to face them without having equal experience on your side. You’ll find that experience at Morelli Law Firm.
Have You Been Injured In An Accident? Contact Morelli Law
877-751-9800How Will My Defective Drug Lawyer Help Me?
People who come to defective drug lawyers want two things. First, they want compensation for what happened to them. Second, they want vindication that they truly were injured by the drug. Our team will help you achieve both things through actions like:
- Doing deep research on the drug and consulting with medical experts
- Gathering all evidence about what happened to you and its costs
- Negotiating with all insurance companies, pharmaceutical lawyers, and any other third-parties in your case.
- Protecting you from actions that could jeopardize your case
- Dispensing legal advice and knowledge so you understand your case, where it is in the process, and what are the next steps
- Acting as your advocate to maximize your compensation, based on the evidence
- Seeking a trial, if necessary, to achieve justice for you
There are many actions, large and small, that go into any lawsuit. You shouldn’t have to worry about any of them. By hiring an Engelwood defective drugs attorney, you can turn your attention to recovering from your injury. Your lawyer will handle the case behind the scenes.
Who Gets Sued in Defective Drug Cases?
After determining you’ve been injured by a drug, a question arises. Who is responsible for the defect? It could be the drug manufacturer, but there are other possible parties. They could be solely responsible, or could share liability.
Sometimes, these drug companies cut corners on testing to push a product to market, but sometimes, it’s the testing lab that made an error and gave the manufacturer faulty information. The fault may also lie in a doctor, pharmacist, distributor, or anyone else who had contact with your drug lot.
For example, if a drug must be kept cold and it arrived at its destination too warm, that would make it defective. The fault there would fall on whoever was responsible for the break in the cooling system, though additional fault could fall on whoever accepted the warmed shipment.
Contact our Englewood Personal Injury Lawyers today
877-751-9800What Is the Deadline to Get My Case Started?
Under New Jersey law, you have two and a half years to get your defective drug case started before you breach the statute of limitations. This is a deadline to tell the court you may have a case. This deadline protects all the parties.
The longer you wait to start your case, the harder it is to get accurate evidence. Memories fade and records get lost or purged as time goes on. You can stop the clock with the help of a lawyer. Even if the case takes much longer, your lawyer’s actions will pause the clock.
There’s also the simple fact that the sooner you start, the sooner you can get compensation. Even if you’re not sure yet how much you’ve been injured, your lawyer will know how to get the evidence to see just how much you’re eligible to receive.
Get Started With Morelli Law
Find out if you can receive money to pay for the injuries you’ve sustained after you took a drug you trusted. Reach out to our Englewood defective drugs lawyers at Morelli Law Firm by clicking on the Request Case Evaluation button on your screen to schedule an appointment. You can also call our offices directly.
Call or text 877-751-9800 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form