Medication is often the first line of defense against diseases and disorders. We trust medications and vaccinations to protect and heal us from many of the deadly medical issues that are lurking around in the world. However, what happens when medication makes your situation worse? Of course, people realize that medications do have some risk, but if there are undisclosed dangers and risks, then you have the right to expect financial compensation.
With the help of a Paterson defective drug lawyer at Morelli Law Firm, you can seek financial recovery for your injuries from taking defective drugs.
At Morelli Law Firm, we can develop a strong case on your behalf. Our goal is to resolve your defective drug issue promptly and fairly. We’ll fight for your rights against whoever is involved, even if it means going up against large pharmaceutical companies. Companies must be held accountable for harming others.
We’ll negotiate a fair settlement in your case, so a court trial may be avoided, saving you time and trouble. Speak to a Paterson defective drug lawyer and get started with a case. Call Morelli Law Firm at (212) 751-9800 for more information.
FDA Rules and Regulations Concerning Drugs
You’ve likely heard of the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), but did you know their role in ensuring medication is safe? In 1988, the Prescription Drug Marketing Act of 1987 (PMDA) was signed into law. This law puts special regulations and guidelines on the FDA about its drug manufacturing and distribution. These guidelines are supposed to make sure consumers get safe medication. The law is supposed to accomplish the following:
- Make sure all approved drugs are safe and effective
- Eliminate the risk of “counterfeit, adulterated, misbranded, subpotent, or expired drugs.”
This law gives consumers a feeling of safety when they purchase medicine. However, it’s not perfect, and sometimes defective drugs can still slip through. Recently, the FDA recalled all Ranitidine (Zantac) products because of its dangerous connection to cancer. This medication was the 48th most commonly prescribed medication. Yet, it was a problem drug. Therefore, even FDA-approved drugs can have risks.
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877-751-9800How Drugs Can Be Defective
If a drug goes through the FDA procedure, how can they be risky, you may wonder? How can bad medicine slip through the cracks? The bad drugs can get through in any of the following ways:
- The company doesn’t have enough study time for the drug’s effects
- The company didn’t report all the negative side effects (hid the study results)
- The company downplayed the negative side effects
- They don’t conduct a large enough study sample
Building a Case for Defective Drugs
When you feel you may have taken tainted drugs, it’s crucial to talk to a Paterson defective drug lawyer. They will put an investigative team on the case to find out more information. They may research information about past cases with this drug to see if anything comes up. They will check for any medication recalls, find out the data on reported side effects, talk to people who may have evidence, and perform other actions designed to make sure you get the best settlement options.
Drug companies have a legal “duty of care” to the consumer, which means they must not be negligent in allowing any product to cause harm to others. Your Paterson defective drug lawyer will show how their actions led to injuries.
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877-751-9800Prescription Drugs Causing Side Effects
All medications have warnings. Drug companies must list potential side effects on the bottle. However, at times, there are unexpected side effects. Some medications are more prone to adverse effects. These medications include:
High blood pressure medications — these medications may lead to complications, such as renal failure, chest pain, and breathing difficulties.
Statin medications — these medications are used to lower cholesterol but can be life-threatening too. They can overwhelm the kidneys and cause them to fail.
Diabetes medications — a common and serious medication group is Avandia (rosiglitazone maleate). In 2010, it was restricted from the market but then got put back on in 2013. It can lead to severe risk for heart and/or bladder.
Antidepressants — many antidepressants have warnings about the increased risk of suicidal and violent thoughts.
Injuries of Defective Drugs
The injuries from ingesting defective drugs can range from mild to life-threatening. There are reports of some people dying from using defective drugs. In this case, you can seek a wrongful death claim. If you have any injuries or illnesses from a defective drug, it could be a result of the pharmaceutical company or manufacturer not taking precautionary measures. Some injuries may be lung damage, heart failure, chest pain, and so on.
A Paterson defective drug lawyer will file a claim on your behalf. In addition, if you’re not sure your case meets the medical malpractice criteria, an attorney will look into it for you. You can find out more information by calling Morelli Law Firm today at (212) 751-9800; we’ll provide a no-obligation consultation.
Recoverable Damages in Defective Drugs Cases
Your Paterson defective drug lawyer will work hard to maximize your financial damages. Some damages you may be able to claim are as follows:
- Medical costs that are associated with the side effects
- Disability from side effects
- Emotional pain and suffering
- Lost wages due to the side effects
- Future earning reduction
- Physical pain and suffering
Connect with a Paterson Defective Drug Lawyer
At Morelli Law Firm, a lawyer is here to take your call and discuss your case free of charge. We aim to bring you a satisfactory resolution.
There’s no need to sit back and suffer after a defective drug injury. Get in touch with us by calling Morelli Law Firm at (212) 751-9800. We’ll provide you a no-obligation case consultation.
Call or text 877-751-9800 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form