Steel truck accidents can occur suddenly without warning and might involve:
- An object falling out of the truck bed onto the road or another vehicle
- An overloaded steel truck putting too much strain on the vehicle
- An imbalanced steel truck causing the truck bed to swing during a sudden stop
In many cases, steel truck accidents occur due to driver error. For example, if the truck driver did not check their blind spots before changing lanes and caused a side-impact collision. In other cases, recklessness is to blame, such as drinking and driving or road rage.
If you or a loved one suffered an injury during a steel truck accident in Englewood, New Jersey, you might be entitled to receive compensation for your damages. Call Morelli Law Firm at (212) 751-9800 for more information on how an Englewood steel truck accident lawyer might be able to help you with your cause. Our truck accident team is standing by to take your call.
Your Steel Truck Accident Case Might Have More than One Liable Party
In addition to the truck driver, some of the parties that might be involved in a steel truck accident include:
The Trucking Company
Commercial businesses have a duty to maintain safety standards across their workforce. Trucking companies must abide by federal standards since their goods are often transported nationally. This means that trucking companies must:
- Enforce that truck drivers follow hours of service regulations set by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
- Regularly perform maintenance checks and repairs on company vehicles
- Regularly perform drug tests on their employees, especially if any employees have a history of DUIs or DWIs
- Enforce that truck drivers keep driving logs
If a company failed to maintain proper standards or is found guilty of pressuring drivers to forego these standards to meet company demands, they may be held liable for their negligence.
Due to vicarious liability, the trucking company might also be responsible for an accident caused by its employee’s negligence.
The Loading Company
The trucking company and the loading company are not always the same. Many businesses will contract trucking companies to transport their steel to other businesses and manufacturers. The company that loaded steel onto the truck may be held liable if:
- The truck was improperly loaded, causing an imbalance in weight
- The steel was not properly strapped onto the truck and fell off the truck
- The truck was overloaded and violated regulations on how much weight a truck may hold
While the truck driver should always check to see if their vehicle is properly loaded, the loading company may still hold responsibility for this type of negligence.
The Maintenance Company
If a steel truck was sent in for repair or a regular maintenance check, the maintenance company might be held liable for an accident if one of the accident’s causal factors stems back to improper maintenance.
The Truck Manufacturer or Vehicle Parts Manufacturer
If the accident was caused by a defect in the truck or a specific part in the truck, the manufacturer might be held liable for producing a defective product. Your lawsuit might also help trigger a recall on similar truck models or parts, which may help prevent other accidents from happening.
A Municipality
If poor road conditions caused the accident, such as a pothole or unfinished road without proper road signs, you might be able to take action against the local municipality in charge of maintaining that part of the road. Keep in mind that pursuing compensation from a local government might alter the legal requirements in your case.
A Third Party
If more than one vehicle was involved in your accident, you might be able to pursue compensation from additional drivers whose actions contributed to the crash. Third parties can range from other passenger vehicles to construction companies that left objects out on the road.
If your case involves more than one liable party, you do not have to manage it all by yourself. It can get tough keeping track of multiple case files, so save yourself the trouble and hire an Englewood steel truck accident lawyer from Morelli Law Firm to do the multitasking for you.
Do not hesitate to call our firm at (212) 751-9800 to receive a free case evaluation with one of our team members. Our team works on a contingency-fee-basis, which means we do not charge any attorney’s fees unless we win your case. You can ask more about this payment system during your consultation.
Have You Been Injured In An Accident? Contact Morelli Law
877-751-9800Your Lawyer Can Help You Pursue Compensable Damages
If you or a loved one suffered an injury in a steel truck accident, you might be able to collect compensation for:
- Permanent disability if your injuries are not expected to heal
- Scarring, disfiguration, and other permanent changes in your physical appearance
- Pain and suffering
- Medical expenses, both past and future
- Property damage
- Lost income in relation to your accident or injuries
Your lawyer can assess the losses you experienced after the accident and advise you on which damages you might be entitled to pursue for financial compensation.
Remember to File on Time
You are limited in the amount of time you have to file a personal injury lawsuit. In New Jersey, you generally have two years from the accident date to file your lawsuit, per New Jersey Revised Statutes §2A:14-2a.
The same goes for wrongful death lawsuits. If your loved one passed away because of a steel truck accident, you generally have two years from the date of their death to file your lawsuit, according to New Jersey Revised Statutes §2A:31-3.
Let Morelli Law Firm Take a Look at Your Steel Truck Accident Case
If you are interested in filing a claim or lawsuit for your steel truck accident, let Morelli Law Firm serve as your legal guide. It can be confusing managing a personal injury case, particularly if you are pursuing compensation from more than one party. An Englewood steel truck accident lawyer from our firm can handle your case on your behalf so that all of your attention can stay on your recovery.
We want to help you pursue compensation for your damages. Call our truck accident team at (212) 751-9800 for a free case evaluation.
Call or text 877-751-9800 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form