It only takes seconds for a truck accident to happen, but it can take months or years to get back to a normal life. Our Cape Girardeau big rig accident lawyers will fight to ensure that your financial needs are fully met while you recover from the accident physically and emotionally.
What Should I Do after a Truck Accident? – Cape Girardeau Truck Accident Attorney
Immediately following a big rig crash, you may be confused about what to do next. Perhaps you are wondering who you should contact if involved in a truck accident and what else you should do.
Here are the steps our Cape Girardeau truck lawyers advise you to take after a collision:
- Immediately call local law enforcement and an ambulance if you are injured.
- If you can safely exit your vehicle, photograph the condition of your car, the truck, and the road.
- Avoid apologizing and get the truck driver to admit they caused the accident. Any admittance of responsibility from the other driver will help your claim.
- Once the police arrive, explain what happened so they can complete their report.
Following these steps after a wreck will help your personal injury claim. However, if you have trouble with any of these steps or sustained severe injuries, you need a lawyer. Our truck accident team can and will fight for the recovery you are owed.
Have You Been Injured In An Accident? Contact Morelli Law
877-751-9800Establishing Liability for a Truck Accident
To obtain a settlement or reward after your collision in Cape Girardeau County or Scott County, you will typically be required to establish negligence. This important part of your claim involves showing that your damages were directly caused by another party who was breaching their “duty of reasonable care.”
If you enlist the help of an experienced truck and auto accident lawyer, you may even be able to hold the trucking company liable.
For example, the trucking company may be held responsible for the trucker’s conduct simply because the driver was acting within the scope of his or her employment. Your lawyer can also investigate whether the other party violated regulations put in place by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA).
How Compensation is Determined Following a Big Rig Accident
Once liability has been established, the focus of your case will shift to calculating the damages that resulted from the crash. Monetary losses stemming from the accident, such as medical bills and lost wages, are awarded as economic losses.
Non-economic damages can also be awarded for more abstract losses such as pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life, disfigurement, and loss of consortium. Some damages are easier to quantify than others.
For example, if the injuries you sustained resulted in medical bills for initial treatment plus long-term rehabilitation, you will likely be offered reimbursement for those expenses. In order to get compensation for every possible loss, including non-economic ones, it’s best to hire a lawyer who will negotiate with the insurance company.
Contact our Cape Girardeau Truck Accidents Lawyers today
877-751-9800What Can You Recover From an Accident Claim?
Sometimes even the safest drivers cannot prevent a collision from happening with a commercial truck.
Now, as a result of the accident, you have a growing stack of medical bills to pay, which will be difficult because of the wages you lost while unable to work. Under Missouri law, you have a right to pursue recovery for your losses. Our Cape Girardeau truck accident lawyers can help you recover the following:
- Hospital bills, doctor bills, and rehab costs
- Loss of income due to hospitalization and physical limitations
- Court fees, legal fees, and other expenses related to the trial or case.
If your injuries are so severe that you will no longer be able to work, you may be entitled to damages for loss of future income or any loss of the use of your limbs.
Why You Need a Lawyer After a Cape Girardeau Big Rig Accident
Any damages you incurred because of the truck collision should be fully compensated. It’s not your fault you were traumatically injured, had to take time off work, and are now struggling to manage excruciating pain.
On average, those represented by a lawyer recover much larger settlements after a truck accident than those who attempt to represent themselves. Our injury accident attorneys in Cape Girardeau will see that you get the money you deserve after all you’ve had to endure.
Past Results for Truck Accident Victims
We know how to hold negligent truckers, their employers, and their insurance companies liable. We have done it repeatedly and can do it for you and your family. Remember that every case is unique, and the damages you receive will depend on the severity of your injuries.
Here are some examples of large settlements our firm has achieved in other truck accident cases:
$11.2 million for a woman who became severely brain damaged after a speeding truck collided with her vehicle
$7.4 million for a man who was hit by a truck while riding his bicycle
We believe the devastation of a big rig accident deserves more compensation than insurance companies typically provide, which is why we work so hard for our clients.
Explore Your Options with an Experienced Missouri Truck Accident Lawyer
Navigating the aftermath of a big rig accident without legal representation can be a monumental task, especially when you are up against a powerful trucking company and its insurer. The Morelli Law firm is committed to helping our clients recover compensation so they can move on successfully with their lives.
Our Cape Girardeau big rig accident lawyers are ready and available to work aggressively on your behalf. Contact us now for a free case evaluation.
Call or text 877-751-9800 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form