The list of people you should contact if you are involved in a truck driving accident include:
- The local police
- A personal injury law firm
- A healthcare professional
When you are involved in a collision with a large truck, local police can generate a crash report, investigate the accident, and summon emergency medical assistance, if needed. Your crash report may contain important and objective details that help prove the cause of the accident and your potential right to financial compensation from the at-fault party.
Contacting the personal injury team at a local law firm has a variety of benefits. A legal team may help you build a case file that proves the cause of the accident. They might also:
- Acquaint you with local laws that might impact your lawsuit
- Assign an accurate value to your compensation package
- File your personal injury lawsuit in a timely fashion
- Negotiate a fair financial settlement
Health care professionals may conduct a thorough examination, diagnose your injuries, develop an effective treatment plan, and monitor your progress until your recovery is complete.
Share Your Crash Report with Your Legal Team
As soon as it is filed and becomes available, request a copy of your crash report for your personal files and one for your lawyer. Your crash report may tell the story of your trucking accident and help representatives for you and the at-fault party understand the cause of the collision. The following information might be included in your crash report:
- Important names and contact information
- Factors that contributed to the collision
- Witness observations and statements
- Accident photos and in-dash footage
Your crash report may also contain notes, diagrams, and descriptions of the accident from the investigating officer. It may help your lawyer prove fault, assign liability, and drive settlement negotiations.
Benefits of a Trucking Accident Lawyer
You may represent yourself during settlement negotiations with the truck driver or his legal or insurance company representative. However, your personal injury case might benefit from the hiring of a personal injury lawyer. A personal injury lawyer might:
- Conduct fact-gathering interrogatories and depositions
- Calculate your recoverable financial expenses and losses
- Determine the appropriate liable party to pursue
- Negotiate with the insurance provider of the liable party
If you are unable to reach a financial settlement agreement, your legal team may represent you in court and help you continue to fight for the financial compensation you may be entitled to due to negligence.
A Lawyer Can Help You Comply with the Statute of Limitations
According to the American Bar Association (ABA), if your personal injury lawsuit is not filed within your state’s statute of limitations, your lawsuit may be thrown out of court without ever being heard.
When you are represented by a trucking accident lawyer, he may use the paperwork generated by your accident to ensure compliance with the relevant filing deadline. Your lawyer may explain the statute of limitations along with other laws that might affect your potential lawsuit. That might include comparative negligence laws, your state’s definition of negligence, and any limitations that might apply to your recoverable damages.
Define Your Recoverable Damages
The truck driver, his employer, or his truck’s manufacturer might be compelled to compensate you for the financial aftermath of a negligence-based trucking accident. The damages you might be able to recover from the at-fault party include:
- Medical expenses
- Lost wages and income
- Pain and suffering
- Physical disfigurement
- Mental anguish
- Emotional turmoil
- Property damage or loss
On your own, it might be difficult to understand the types and amounts of damages you might be entitled to recover. Your lawyer can help you by calculating your eligible expenses and losses.
Contact the Trucking Accident Team at a Local Law Firm
If you were injured in a trucking accident, you should seek immediate medical attention and explore your options for monetary recovery of your medical bills and other accident-related expenses.
Add a personal injury law firm to the list of people you should contact if you are involved in a truck driving accident. Find out how their legal team might be able to help you identify and pursue the appropriate at-fault party for financial compensation.
Call (212) 751-9800 to reach the personal injury team at Morelli Law Firm to learn more about your options for financial compensation.