Once you have a Wayne pedestrian accident attorney on your side, however, the process of addressing your accident becomes easier. Morelli Law Firm wants to help you communicate with all the parties who can respond to your accident – including civil justices. We can give you the means you need to file a pedestrian accident claim requesting compensation.
The Benefits of Filing a Pedestrian Accident Claim
Pedestrian accident claims require you to submit a substantial amount of information regarding a recent accident to your local civil clerk. The effort of gathering this information can rapidly become worth it, though, when you consider the benefits of an approved claim. A court that moves your complaint forward allows you to:
Control Your Approach to Your Accident
Getting into a pedestrian accident can make you feel as though you’re losing control over certain parts of your life – particularly your finances. While this isn’t always the case, we still want to give you a way to regain some of that control.
When you file a pedestrian accident complaint, you give yourself legal options. You do not have to commit to a particular means through which you can secure the financial support you need. Instead, you can opt to participate in either a civil trial or out-of-court negotiations.
We can also prepare you to move back and forth between these options. Our goals, after all, are to ensure you have as much control over your proceedings as possible. Because neither of these processes is better than the other, you can benefit from the one that you feel best suits your comfort level and intentions.
Recover Financially
A legal complaint gives you the right to demand that a liable party provide you with financial support based on the losses you endured at their expense. You can work with our team to calculate your personal injury settlement in the wake of these losses.
Protect Yourself from Someone Else’s Bad Intentions
Not everyone who approaches you in the wake of an accident is going to have your best interests at heart. In some cases, corporations and even law enforcement representatives will want you to commit to statements that don’t reflect your feelings about your losses.
You don’t have to protect yourself from these parties alone. Instead, when you work with us to file a claim, we can step in for you. We can help you understand when a company wants you to agree to a settlement on poor terms. We can also ensure that police officers don’t misuse any statements you made at the scene of an accident inappropriately.
Our team can even go up against your insurance company if they try to deny your claim. We’re here to be on your team – and that means you can benefit from our full support.
Have You Been Injured In An Accident? Contact Morelli Law
877-751-9800You Have a Limited Amount of Time to Act After a Pedestrian Accident
The New Jersey statute of limitations dictates when you may no longer bring a personal injury case before a civil judge. N.J. Stat. § 2A-14-2 allows you to take two years to gather the evidence you need to submit your complaint. After that, a court can reject your claim out of hand.
Don’t let your case deadline get the best of you. Contact our Wayne pedestrian accident lawyers as soon as you can after a pedestrian accident to maximize the time you have to file your suit.
Your Pedestrian Accident Claim Needs to Be Thorough
The claim you submit to a county clerk is your primary means of communication prior to the approval of your case. With that in mind, your complaint needs to be as thorough as possible if it’s going to explain the intricacies of your pedestrian accident. In general, you should use this document to detail:
Who to Hold Liable for Pedestrian Accident Losses
Motorists are often responsible for Wayne pedestrian accidents, but they’re not the only parties you can name in your complaint. Government officials, automotive manufacturers, mechanics, and landowners can all be held responsible for your losses. If you’re not sure who to hold accountable in your claim, your best bet is to follow the evidence available to you.
Your claim must include evidence at the time of its submission. Without evidence, your assertions of liability can be considered speculation. Your complaint may not hold much weight with a county clerk as a result.
While your case does not need to be conclusive upon submitting your claim, you should be prepared to point to data elaborating on the relationship between an identified party and your losses. Viable evidence can include:
- Photos of your accident
- Video of your accident
- Bystander testimony
- Expert witness statements
- The opinions of accident recreationists
- State precedent involving your liable party
Your Ideal Settlement
In the same vein, you need to provide evidence of your losses if you want to request compensation for a pedestrian accident’s losses. The damages that you can demand from a liable party include:
- Medical coverage related to accident-based injuries
- Property damage
- Property rental in response to accident losses
- Emotional distress
- Pain and suffering
- Lost opportunities to work or reduced wages
- At-home assistance
Contact our Wayne Personal Injury Lawyers today
877-751-9800Pedestrian Accident Lawyers Fight for You
Pedestrians deserve protection when walking from Point A to Point B. While New Jersey strives to create legislation that prioritizes your well-being, someone else’s negligence can still see you and your loved ones injured on the road. Should you endure a pedestrian accident, however, you can work with our team to bring your losses to court.
Our Pedestrian accident attorneys in Wayne, NJ, want to fight for justice on your behalf. You can request a free case evaluation from Morelli Law Firm to learn more about the legal options available to you. Schedule your appointment today by calling our firm or reaching out through our website.
Call or text 877-751-9800 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form