While Missouri has certain rules about how pedestrians should behave on the road, all pedestrians, including you, deserve protection from negligent bicyclists, motorists, and third parties. If you get into an accident with these parties, you deserve the right to assess your circumstances alongside a legal professional.
You can specifically work with the pedestrian accident lawyers in St. Louis to investigate your accident and take legal action accordingly. Our team can help you file a pedestrian accident claim with Missouri civil judges so you can fight for your right to accident compensation.
Are you ready to schedule a case evaluation with a St. Louis personal injury lawyer? Contact our team today and get your first appointment on the books.
What to Do After a Pedestrian Accident
It’s in your best interest to work with emergency responders immediately following a pedestrian accident, even if you feel you or your companions aren’t injured. Working with emergency services has two benefits. First and foremost, emergency responders can address any health concerns that haven’t immediately revealed themselves to you.
Secondly, emergency responders can begin establishing a paper trail regarding your losses. You can then refer to that paper trail when elaborating on the expenses you have related to a negligence-based accident.
What comes after emergency care, though? For the average person, bills, alongside the possibility of a considerable time away from work. Fortunately, there are a few different ways for pedestrian accident survivors to secure the financial support they need to recover from an incident.
Have You Been Injured In An Accident? Contact Morelli Law
877-751-9800Filing an Insurance Claim After a Pedestrian Accident
Drivers throughout Missouri have to have insurance if they want to operate legally on the road. Similarly, government officials, construction crews, and on-duty consumer drivers have some manner of protection in place designed to help accident victims in the wake of negligence-based incidents.
This means that there are opportunities for you, as a pedestrian accident survivor, to file an insurance claim with a relevant provider following an accident. You can work with a pedestrian accident attorney in St. Louis to outline your losses and present evidence of your right to compensation in this way.
That said, be wary when collaborating with an insurance provider. Some insurance providers deny pedestrian accident claims in an effort to preserve their bottom lines. Others may attempt to minimize your listed losses. Both efforts constitute bad faith behavior and may entitle you to legal action against the provider.
You can discuss your right to fair compensation and, in certain circumstances, legal action with an attending attorney.
Filing For Pedestrian Accident Damages in Civil Court
If you aren’t getting the support you need from an insurance provider, or if the party who hit you doesn’t have insurance, you can bring your pedestrian accident losses to a judge’s attention. You do this specifically by filing a personal injury claim, or a pedestrian accident claim, with Missouri civil courts.
The complaint that you outline needs to go into detail about the nature of your accident. You need to bring forward evidence proving that wrongful negligence specifically resulted in your economic losses. You then need to elaborate on the value of those losses before requesting fair compensation.
When to Bring Your Pedestrian Accident Claim to Civil Court
If you want to bring a pedestrian accident claim forward, you need to do so within the statute of limitations elaborated on in Missouri Code section 516.120. Missouri has a particularly generous personal injury statute of limitations. Pedestrian accident survivors like you have up to five years to investigate your incident.
What’s more, you don’t have to investigate your losses alone. An attorney and team of investigators can step in to find the evidence needed to prove your right to a legal case. So long as you reach out to a St. Louis pedestrian accident attorney before your statute of limitations expires, you can explore what right you might have to a fair settlement.
Contact our St. Louis Personal Injury Lawyers today
877-751-9800You Deserve a Fair and Comprehensive Pedestrian Accident Settlement
What makes a fair settlement after a pedestrian accident? While there isn’t an average value you can refer to when calculating the estimated sum of your damages, you can work with an experienced lawyer to determine what economic and non-economic pedestrian accident damages you deserve.
These damages can include the following:
If you want to integrate certain losses into your request for damages, make sure you have evidence tying those losses to a liable party’s bad behavior. You must defend every loss you integrate into a pedestrian accident claim if you want that loss to become part of your eventual settlement.
You can work with our attorneys to determine which losses, and subsequently which damages, you have a right to following a pedestrian accident.
Morelli Law Defends St. Louis Pedestrians
Injured pedestrians like you deserve compensation for their losses. If an insurance provider isn’t answering your calls, though, and a liable party keeps trying to dodge your questions about support, it may be time to call an attorney. You can work with the pedestrian accident attorneys in St. Louis to bring your losses to a civil judge’s attention.
Morelli Law Firm strives to make the legal process as accessible as possible. Do you have questions about your right to compensation or what to expect when filing a personal injury claim? Reach out and schedule your initial case evaluation today.
Call or text 877-751-9800 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form