Mount Vernon pedestrian accident lawyers are prepared to help you address the behavior that resulted in your accident. You can file a pedestrian accident complaint with a civil justice and fight for your right to financial compensation. Morelli Law Firm can provide you with the legal guidance you need all the while.
The Benefits of Hiring a Pedestrian Accident Lawyer
Contending with the aftermath of a pedestrian accident is rarely easy. Taking your claim to court can seem like an impossibility if you’re contending with serious injuries on top of your standard losses.
That, however, is the benefit of hiring a pedestrian accident lawyer. Instead of doing all the legal legwork yourself, you can count on us to do the job for you. Our services include:
- Gathering evidence to support your claim
- Calculating your economic and non-economic compensation
- Representing your best interests in negotiations and trials
- Intercepting intimidation attempts
- Filing appeals in cases that aren’t ruled in your favor
You can discuss the extent of these services and how they may benefit you during an initial case evaluation.
Have You Been Injured In An Accident? Contact Morelli Law
877-751-9800Other Parties Owe You a Duty of Care
Motorists – and other parties – have a responsibility to keep the people around them safe while on the road. This expectation of reasonable behavior extends to pedestrians. Parties that engage in reckless behavior or that become distracted behind the wheel can be accused of negligence in civil court if their behavior results in an accident.
This responsibility is referred to as a driver’s “duty of care.” If you want to bring a pedestrian accident to court, you need to indicate that a driver or similar party both owed you a duty of care and violated it at the time of your accident.
Who to Hold Liable for a Pedestrian Accident
When you first think of a pedestrian accident, it’s easy to place the blame for your losses on a motorist. It’s not only motorists who can violate the duty of care owed to pedestrians, though. Landowners who don’t take care of their properties can be charged if their neglect results in a slip and fall.
Similarly, you can take up a pedestrian suit against a government institution if its negligence caused you harm. The amount of time in which you can act may be severely reduced, though, due to the qualified immunity that protects certain representatives.
Even corporations can bear the blame for your pedestrian accident losses. If the person who injured you was on duty at the time of an accident, you can bring your suit against that person’s parent company. Our pedestrian accident attorneys in Mount Vernon can even challenge a company that tries to obfuscate the role an employee plays at their company.
You Can Present Evidence of Negligence in a Pedestrian Accident Claim
More often than not, negligence causes a driver or another liable party to violate the duty of care owed to a pedestrian. That said, presenting evidence of negligence can be tricky. Your complaint needs to indicate that:
- You bore a relationship to the party named liable in your document
- You can provide evidence indicating that the party’s negligence resulted in your losses
- Your losses bore economic value
You can indicate negligence by presenting physical evidence as well as testimonies regarding a party’s perceived behavior at the time of your accident. Our team can gather witnesses and even recreate the scene of the accident to help establish your position.
Contact our Mount Vernon Personal Injury Lawyers today
877-751-9800Your Pedestrian Accident Claim Can Net Your Compensation for Your Losses
When you file a civil pedestrian accident claim, you do so with the intent of securing compensation based on your losses. Civil claims will not level criminal charges against an offending party.
That said, this compensation can help you recover from a pedestrian accident, no matter how severe. You can request that a liable party help you contend with both economic and non-economic losses, including related medical bills and property damage.
To calculate your economic damage, Mount Vernon pedestrian accident lawyers can look at the bills related to your post-accident care. Once we’ve established an economic figure, we then apply multipliers to that sum. These multipliers stand in for losses such as pain and suffering or emotional distress.
You Need to Submit Your Pedestrian Accident Complaint Within New York’s Deadline
If you don’t bring information regarding your pedestrian accident forward within the deadline set by New York Civil Practice Law & Rules §214, you may lose the chance to file for compensation. The aforementioned statute requires that you take action based on your losses within three years of the day your accident takes place.
You don’t have to go through the process of filing a complaint alone, particularly not if you’re injured. Instead, you can consult with our attorneys to determine what your best steps may be. We can work with your limitations to ensure that the complaint you eventually file is as comprehensive as possible.
Let Us Take Your Pedestrian Accident to Court
Pedestrians shouldn’t be put at risk by driver negligence. Drivers who endanger pedestrians should subsequently face consequences for their behavior in civil court. If the time’s come for you to make a move against a negligent driver, let Morelli Law Firm help you defend your position.
Our Mount Vernon pedestrian accident attorneys are prepared to advocate for your right to comprehensive compensation after a pedestrian accident. We can gather evidence of your losses and present it in negotiations, a trial, or some combination thereof. You can request a free case evaluation to learn more about how our services could benefit you.
Call or text 877-751-9800 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form