You may be able to file a wrongful death suit if someone else’s negligence or carelessness caused the loss of a loved one in Mount Vernon. At Morelli Law Firm, we know wrongful deaths may occur for various senseless reasons, but they always significantly impact the surviving family members.
This is why we approach every Westchester County wrongful death case with compassion and fight to help the family recover just financial compensation. Pursuing wrongful death damages is sometimes the only way to hold someone responsible for a loved one’s death.
How Morelli Law Firm May Be Able to Help with Your Case
Many times, a wrongful death results in added expenses as well as difficult emotional times. You should not have to struggle with the monetary costs of losing a loved one when it was someone else’s carelessness that caused their death.
Our lawyer is familiar with the costs and losses families endure with wrongful death cases. We may be able to file an action in your Mount Vernon case to help you recover the monetary damages incurred as well as your pain and suffering.
Our lawyer may be able to take care of many tasks for your family as a part of helping you seek and secure a financial recovery. This includes:
- Prove liability through investigative work
- Gather evidence from various sources to build a strong case
- Communicate with third parties, including insurance providers
- File all relevant paperwork and claims
- Manage negotiations
- Take your case to trial, if necessary
With the help of our team, you may be able to collect damages based on the expenses you experienced as well as your intangible losses. Our attorney will use the evidence available to build a case that proves the other party is liable. We also calculate the value of your damages, so we know when a settlement offer is fair. Our goal is to pursue all legal avenues necessary to secure your financial recovery.
Morelli Law Firm has a reputation for strongly advocating for our clients. We take on the challenging jobs and fight hard to bring financial relief. We offer our clients our knowledge and resources with no upfront fees. We provide each family with a strong advocate to ensure their rights remain protected. Connect with us today for a free case review.
Have You Been Injured In An Accident? Contact Morelli Law
877-751-9800Recovering Damages in a Mount Vernon Wrongful Death
When you file a New York State wrongful death action, you can claim a number of damages that you and other immediate family members experienced due to the loss of your loved one. Almost any expense or loss you can prove and tie to their death could be recoverable with a strong enough argument from your attorney.
Some recoverable damages our lawyers frequently seek and recover for our clients in wrongful death cases include:
- Funeral and burial costs
- Medical expenses related to their injury treatment and care before death
- Financial support, including income and benefits, the lost loved once provided
- The cost of services to cover those previously provided by the family member
- Loss of a loved one’s companionship and guidance
- Emotional pain and suffering you endured because of the loss
The team at Morelli Law Firm will work to identify any other related damages unique to your case before filing your claim and demanding a just payout. This is an essential part of ensuring your settlement is fair and compensates you for your financial and emotional losses.
You can learn more during a free, no-obligation consultation with our team today.
Almost Any Type of Negligence Accident Could Support a Wrongful Death Case
We often hear from families who are not sure if they have a viable wrongful death case. They are not sure what does or does not constitute wrongful death. They may believe the other person had to do something intentionally or act especially reckless to hold them responsible. The truth is, if your loved one died because of someone else’s carelessness or negligence, you may be eligible to act.
Some of the more common causes of wrongful death are as follows:
Vehicle Accidents
According to the New York Department of Motor Vehicles data, there were 434,596 reported accidents across the state in 2018. More than 880 people died. Some of the reasons for these traffic accidents included:
- Distracted driving
- Drowsy driving
- Drunk driving
- Reckless driving
- Aggressive driving
- Simple mistakes behind the wheel
Whatever the reasons are, you have the right to pursue financial compensation if you lose someone in a vehicle accident due to negligence.
Medical Malpractice
According to a John Hopkins University study, medical errors are the third-leading cause of death in the United States. If you suspect that a medical error caused or contributed to your loved one’s death, we encourage you to connect with our team today to learn more about your legal options.
Workplace Accidents
In 2018, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) reports that 5,250 people died because of a job-related injury. More than a thousand of them were in the construction industry, but fatal accidents can occur in any field of work. In some cases, a workplace accident can support a wrongful death lawsuit, or there may be other options for collecting compensation.
Defective Products
When products do not work as described, it can lead to disastrous results. When a defective item harms someone, and they pass away from their injuries, a wrongful death claim is possible.
These are only a few of the incidents that can support a wrongful death insurance claim or lawsuit. We can confirm if your loved one’s accident may allow you to seek damages. We offer free case assessments and may be able to guide you through the claims process.
Contact our Mount Vernon Personal Injury Lawyers today
877-751-9800Wrongful Death Laws in New York State
Under EPTL §5-4.1, only the personal representative of an estate may file an action for wrongful death. Our team can help you identify this individual if it is not you. The statute also sets the deadline for suing, known as the statute of limitations, at two years from the date of death.
Additional laws can and will likely impact your claim if you decide to file one. We can help you understand these laws and your legal options based on them.
We may be able to handle your case from beginning to end, including negotiating on your behalf with the insurance companies and other parties. We can take care of your legal case, allowing you the time to heal from your loss.
Call Us About Your Wrongful Death Case Today
At Morelli Law Firm, our team serving Mount Vernon is ready to work on your wrongful death case today. We believe you deserve justice after the loss of a family member. Read our testimonials from previous clients to learn more about our compassionate approach to these cases.
You can get in touch with us now by calling (212) 751-9800. We offer a free, no-obligation case consultation on your initial call.
Call or text 877-751-9800 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form