If you or a loved one was injured in a side-impact collision in New Rochelle, you may be entitled to monetary damages. A financial recovery could help you pay for accident-related expenses and compensate you for your injuries.
Call Morelli Law Firm at (212) 751-9800 to learn more about how hiring a New Rochelle side-impact collisions lawyer can help you.
Staying Safe on the Road
According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), car manufacturers are required to incorporate safety features specifically designed to protect occupants from side-impact collisions. These measures undoubtedly save lives, but they are not infallible.
The regulation cited above is fairly recent, so older cars do not necessarily meet those safety standards. Further, a single manufacturing error may be enough to cause these parts to malfunction just when you need them most. Even when they work as they are supposed to, you may still be left with serious or life-altering injuries.
Whenever you are behind the wheel, take all of the precautions that you can: wear your seatbelt, obey the rules of the road, and do not text and drive. If someone else’s failure to take such precautions caused your accident, you may be able to recover compensation.
Have You Been Injured In An Accident? Contact Morelli Law
877-751-9800Fighting for Damages
A New Rochelle side-impact collisions lawyer can help you fight for monetary compensation when another driver is to blame for your collision. How much you can receive in financial recovery depends on the injuries you sustained and how severe they are.
To have any chance of receiving damages, you will have to build a solid case. Part of this process will involve creating a list of each injury you suffered. These will fall into one of two categories: economic and non-economic. Economic damages can encompass all forms of monetary loss related to the crash, such as:
- Cost of repair, if your car was damaged and needed fixing
- Cost of medical care, if you needed a doctor, a surgeon, a therapist, or another medical professional to help treat your injuries
- Loss of income, if your injuries prevent you from returning to the job you had right away, or at all
- Loss of financial support, if your loved one passed away because of the crash and can no longer support you and your family
Your injuries themselves may also be compensable. Non-economic damages can cover various forms of physical and/or psychological loss related to the crash, such as:
- Pain and suffering, if your injuries caused you physical and mental distress
- Disability, if you have lost partial or total use of any sense, organ, limb, or function
- Reduced quality of life, if your injuries prevent you from ever resuming your old lifestyle (e.g., you can no longer engage in a favorite hobby)
- Loss of companionship, if you have found it difficult to cope without your deceased loved one’s presence and affection
Once you have your list of damages, it is time to figure out how much they are worth—in other words, how much money you can ask for in a claim. You can research the subject and try to perform such calculations on your own, or you can hire a lawyer and let them help you determine what your case is worth.
Getting Help with Your Side-Impact Collision Case
You do not have to handle your case alone, and you do not have to spend a fortune in attorney’s fees. If you need compensation but are not sure how to navigate the legal process, contact Morelli Law Firm at (212) 751-9800. We charge our clients nothing unless and until we succeed in recovering compensation for them.
Below is a brief outline of how we manage cases like yours. Keep in mind that every case is unique and that yours may require more or less work than indicated here.
One: Explore Your Options
Whether you have already started your lawsuit or have not yet decided what to do, consulting a law firm is a great way to find out what your options are. A lawyer will also answer any questions you have about your case or the law.
Two: Investigate
Your lawyer will collect all available evidence related to your case, including medical records, photos of the accident scene, and witness statements. This evidence can help to prove that:
- The liable party is responsible for your crash
- The crash caused your injuries
- Your injuries affected your life in all the ways you claim they did
Three: Negotiate
In many cases, the liable party’s insurance company will want to resolve the lawsuit as quickly as you do. However, there is a crucial difference: the insurance company is not focused on your financial recovery. Your lawyer will not be afraid to negotiate hard to make sure that you get a fair deal.
Four: Take Your Case to Court
If you are dissatisfied with the settlement the insurance company offers, and if negotiations do not yield a better offer, you can talk to your lawyer about filing a lawsuit. They can represent you in the courtroom and work to convince a judge or jury to award you the damages you need.
Contact our New Rochelle Car Accidents Lawyers today
877-751-9800Reach Out for Legal Help Today
The team at Morelli Law Firm wants to do everything we can to make this difficult time easier for you. Contact us at (212) 751-9800 for a case evaluation and learn more about what a New Rochelle side-impact collisions lawyer can do for you. The initial case review is free, and we are ready to take your call today.
Call or text 877-751-9800 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form