The average concrete truck weighs between 20,000 and 30,000 pounds. They often carry up to 40,000 pounds in concrete as well, for a total weight of up to 70,000 pounds. If a cement truck weighing up to 70,000 pounds collides with a car, the result can be catastrophic for the driver and passengers in the car.
If you or someone you love is in pain and suffering because of injuries from an accident with a cement truck, you may be entitled to compensation. A Jersey City concrete truck lawyer can help you hold the negligent parties responsible for their actions.
The insurance company for the trucking company will want to do everything it can to reduce the amount it has to pay in damages, including trying to say someone else is responsible for the accident. The team at Morelli Law Firm can help by investigating the accident and pursuing compensation from the liable parties to the fullest extent of your injuries. For a free review of your concrete truck accident case, contact Morelli Law Firm today at (212) 751-9800.
Causes of Concrete Truck Accidents
There are many factors that can lead to a concrete truck accident, including:
Drowsy Driving
Driver fatigue can be a major problem for drivers of large trucks, including concrete trucks. They often have to drive long distances, navigate heavy traffic, and sleep can frequently be inadequate to cope with the stress of these circumstances. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), commercial drivers like concrete truck drivers are among those most likely to experience drowsy driving.
Excessive Speeding
Concrete truck drivers are required to meet delivery times that are set by customers or by the foreman at a construction site. They may also have to drive long distances to reach that site, increasing the likelihood of encountering traffic that can slow them down. Some drivers may be compelled to drive at unsafe speeds to make up for the lost time. However, because of their enormous size and weight, it takes much longer for them to slow down than other drivers, and the higher speed may make it impossible to stop in time if traffic suddenly changes speed.
Distracted Driving
While it is illegal for large truck drivers to operate mobile devices while behind the wheel, many likely still use their phones, increasing the likelihood of a distracted driving accident. However, a cell phone is not the only distraction that can occur behind the wheel. According to the CDC, a distraction includes anything that takes the driver’s attention off the road. It could include using a navigation system to find a job site or eating while driving.
Poor Maintenance or Defective Parts
Some accidents are the result of problems with the vehicle itself. This could be the result of poor maintenance, maintenance that was not performed on schedule, or even a defective part from the manufacturer.
Regardless of whether your accident was caused by a negligent driver, the concrete company, repair shop, or parts manufacturer, a Jersey City concrete truck lawyer can help you hold the negligent parties responsible for your losses. Call Morelli Law Firm at (212) 751-9800 for a free case review.
Have You Been Injured In An Accident? Contact Morelli Law
877-751-9800Types of Injuries that Occur in Concrete Truck Accidents
There are many types of injuries that victims can sustain in concrete truck accidents. Because of the truck’s sheer size and weight, injuries are often severe, and can include:
- Spinal cord injuries: Spinal cord injuries often result in a loss of sensation or mobility for the victim, as messages from the brain cannot be delivered to other parts of the body. Most victims require walkers or wheelchairs after this kind of injury.
- Traumatic brain injury (TBI): A TBI is an injury to the brain that is caused by a blow to the head. TBIs are classified according to severity as mild, moderate, or severe. According to the Mayo Clinic, symptoms can include irritability, depression, seizures, headaches, and visual problems.
- Internal bleeding: This type of injury is particularly dangerous because the victim may not realize they are bleeding internally until they begin to experience life-threatening symptoms.
- Broken bones: Broken bones are common in accidents involving large trucks. The healing time can be anywhere from a few weeks to several months, and surgery may be necessary if you are suffering from a complex or compound fracture.
Types of Recoverable Damages
The types of damages that you may be entitled to depend on the severity of your injuries, financial losses, and impact the accident had on your quality of life and future. While we cannot estimate your damages without first examining the details of your case, possible recoverable damages could include:
- Hospital stays
- Ambulance rides
- Surgical treatments
- Doctor’s examinations
- Assistive devices like wheelchairs
- Physical therapy
- Pain and suffering
- Lost wages
- Future lost wages
- Property damage
If your loved one did not survive the accident, we can help you with a wrongful death claim. Some possible recoverable damages could include:
- Pain and suffering
- Funeral or burial costs
- Out-of-pocket expenses related to care provided to the deceased before death
- Loss of consortium
- Loss of support or protection
- Wages and benefits previously provided by the deceased
Contact our Jersey City Truck Accidents Lawyers today
877-751-9800How the Morelli Law Firm Can Help
A Jersey City concrete truck lawyer has experience with cases like these and knows some of the underhanded tactics that insurance companies use to get out of paying victims. At Morelli Law Firm, we can help you by investigating the accident on our own and gathering evidence to determine what was the ultimate cause. We can calculate your financial losses and speak to your physicians to determine the total cost of your pain and suffering. This will help us determine a fair settlement for your case. Finally, we will negotiate with the insurance company to pursue compensation to the fullest extent of your injuries.
For a free review of your claim or to get started right away, call to speak with a member of Morelli Law Firm today at (212) 751-9800.
Call or text 877-751-9800 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form