Our Albany, NY, car accident lawyers will review and assess your traffic accident case. Our efforts can help you receive the support you need to pay your medical bills, restore damaged property, and get justice for the wrongs you endured due to an angry driver’s misconduct.
Aggressive Driving Behaviors Are Often Illegal and Always Dangerous
How do Albany’s personal injury lawyers classify an aggressive driving accident? While no law directly addresses aggressive driving in New York, the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) defines the action in its driver’s manual. Common examples of aggressive driving can include the following:
- Speeding
- Quick lane changes
- Passing illegally
- Blocking traffic flow
- Running stop signs or signals
- Distracted driving
- Drunk driving
- Tailgating
- Driving without proper signaling
- Cutting someone off
- Road rage
All of these accidents can result in devastating injuries that leave you dealing with bills you can’t pay. Fortunately, our car accident lawyers in Albany can help you recover the financial compensation you deserve.
What’s more, many of these actions are illegal on their own, and they may also fall under the state’s reckless driving statute, New York Vehicle & Traffic Law (VAT) §1212. Drivers who cause an accident because of one or more of these behaviors could face traffic infractions or even criminal charges.
Criminal Cases Aren’t the Same As Civil Cases
While a criminal case will hold the driver accountable, a civil case can repay the victim for their losses. While New York has a system that allows those injured in crashes to file a claim and recover damages from their Personal Injury Protection (PIP) insurance, some victims also have the opportunity to hold the at-fault driver responsible through a liability claim or civil lawsuit.
To learn if your case may support legal action to pursue pain and suffering damages and additional losses beyond your no-fault coverage, reach out to Morelli Law Firm. We assess aggressive driving car accident cases for clients hurt in this collision type at no cost.
Criminal Cases Can Impact Your Civil Case
If the state charges the party liable for your losses with criminal neglect or another crime, you can keep up-to-date on their criminal case’s progress. State prosecutors may call on you to ask for your testimony.
Keeping up-to-date on criminal developments doesn’t allow you to request the maximum compensation from the party liable for your losses. The effort may make it easier for you to hold an at-fault party accountable for your losses, though.
If the state resolves its criminal case before your civil case, you can submit a “guilty” conviction to a civil judge as proof of a liable party’s negligence.
A “guilty” conviction may not win your case outright, but it can make it easier to meet or exceed the burden of proof needed to hold someone accountable for your losses. You can bring any questions you have about the overlap between a criminal and civil aggressive driving case to our personal injury lawyers in Albany.
Have You Been Injured In An Accident? Contact Morelli Law
877-751-9800How the Morelli Law Firm Team Can Help Albany Accident Victims
When an aggressive driving accident lawyer in Albany from Morelli Law Firm represents an accident victim, our team works to:
- Understand their case
- Answer their questions
- Communicate with them about the process
- Prove the severity of their injuries
- Gather evidence to support their claim
- Take steps to secure a financial recovery based on their damages
We believe victims of accidents should not be left paying for their injuries or damages out of their pockets. Instead, the aggressive driver whose bad behavior caused the accident should be responsible when the law allows. We know how New York State defines “serious” injuries and how to identify other exceptions to the no-fault law and act on those exceptions for our clients.
We partner with experts, including medical professionals, economists, and accident reconstruction specialists, to develop a case that will support a third-party auto claim based on the aggressive driver’s liability car insurance policy.
If we cannot reach a fair settlement out of court, we may prepare the paperwork and take the case to trial to seek justice on the client’s behalf.
You Need Evidence to Make an Aggressive Driving Case
You cannot argue for aggressive driving compensation if you can’t first prove that you have the right to support. This means that you have an obligation to bring enough evidence of fault forward to meet or exceed New York’s burden of proof.
Fortunately, you can work with our auto accident lawyers to break down the investigative process to bring forward the following:
- Proof of accident injuries
- Proof of drunk driving, if applicable
- Photos from the scene of the accident
- Video footage of your accident
- Expert witness testimony
- Electronic data
Contact our Albany Car Accidents Lawyers today
877-751-9800Seeking and Securing Damages Following an Albany Traffic Collision
For victims who suffer minor or moderate injuries and do not miss an extended time at work, pursuing compensation through their PIP policy allows for quick payment of their bills and eligible damages with no work to prove fault or liability.
When injuries are serious, there are permanent impairments, or the victim misses a lot of time away from work, filing a third-party liability insurance claim may be beneficial.
A fault-based personal injury claim allows you to seek additional damages and hold the aggressive driver responsible for their bad behavior.
You can discuss your right to a range of damages when you meet with our motor vehicle accident lawyers for a free case evaluation. Our team knows how to calculate the total dollar value of losses like the following:
- Lost wages
- Medical care
- Loss of consortium
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional distress
- Mental anguish
- Pain management
- Property damage
If you need specialized medical care for a traumatic brain injury or broken bones, you can work with our team to integrate specialists’ fees into your request for support. Your initial consultation comes free of charge, so don’t hesitate to reach out to book your first appointment with our experienced personal injury law firm.
How to Secure Fair Compensation After an Aggressive Driving Accident
You are not obligated to go to civil court to win the compensation you need to recover from an aggressive driving accident. Personal injury attorneys in Albany can help you arrange private negotiations with a liable party. You can use these negotiations to discuss your right to support and secure financial aid without ever going before a judge.
Unfortunately, there are times when liable parties will refuse to acknowledge the validity of your personal injury claim. Defendants can refuse to meet with you, ghost you, or even accuse you of causing your own accident. If you find yourself consistently contending with this kind of bad-faith behavior, you can move for our attorneys to initiate a reckless driving trial on your behalf.
Time Limits on Taking Action in Your Car Accident Case in Albany
You will need to be aware of several filing deadlines as you get to work on your Albany car accident case. There are deadlines for notifying your insurer about your accident, deadlines for filing your compensation claim, and a statute of limitations on filing a civil suit against the aggressive driver who hit you.
While the time limit for your PIP claim will likely be days after the accident, New York Civil Practice Law & Rules (CVP) §214 gives most accident victims three years to begin an injury lawsuit in the appropriate civil court.
While there is no deadline for contacting our team, keep in mind that we need to investigate the accident and gather evidence that supports your allegations before we can file a claim or lawsuit against the aggressive driver. Call us as soon as your injuries allow you, as we may be able to get started right away.
How to Deal With Insurance Adjusters After a Car Accident
Insurance companies may have an obligation to help you after an accident, but that rarely means that you will get the support you deserve. Insurance claims adjusters can make it to the scene of your accident even before emergency responders do.
These parties can then remove key evidence from the scene, pressure you for a statement, and compromise your right to later request support.
You can work with an accident attorney to hold an insurance company accountable for your losses, even if that team tries to deny your claim. If a company denies your claim, get in touch to explore the legal options available to you. We may have the right to take a negligent provider to civil court.
Talk to Our Aggressive Driving Accident Lawyers in Albany
An Albany aggressive driving accident attorney from Morelli Law Firm might be able to secure a financial recovery on your behalf if you suffered serious injuries caused by a reckless driver. We can demystify the legal process and help you hold another motorist accountable for driving aggressively or recklessly. Let our team evaluate your case at no cost to you.
Our consultations include discussing your accident, what happened, your injuries, and your prognosis. Contact us today to book your case evaluation.
Call or text 877-751-9800 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form