Sending and receiving text messages has become a standard way of communicating. In fact, according to data the New Jersey Office of The Attorney General (NJOAG) shares, about 150 billion text messages were sent in the U.S. monthly in 2017. While texting is not a harmful practice on its own, the combination of texting and driving often results in dangerous consequences.
The research shared points out the danger of texting while driving by describing how it takes a driver’s focus off the road and away from their driving maneuvers for nearly five seconds. That means the driver is driving the length of an entire football field without seeing clearly, focusing on the vehicle or surroundings, or being aware of the other cars and people on the road.
If you or someone you love was injured in an accident because the other involved driver was texting, you may have the basis of a negligence lawsuit for financial recovery. An Englewood texting while driving accident lawyer might be able to help you hold the at-fault driver responsible for negligence. Contact the Morelli Law Firm’s personal injury team by calling (212) 751-9800 today.
Texting While Driving Is Dangerous and Illegal
New Jersey Revised Statutes §39:4-97.3 prohibits drivers from texting while driving and could result in costly fines. In addition to state-imposed penalties for this and other forms of distracted driving, the at-fault driver might also be responsible for what the accident cost you.
Our client support team might be able to help you determine the cost of the car accident and define the steps you need to take toward receiving financial compensation. Your right to compensation may rely on establishing the at-fault driver’s negligence, which may mean proving the individual:
- Owed you a duty of care
- Breached their responsibility to uphold that duty of care
- Caused your injuries
- Caused your financial damage due to your injuries
After proving negligence, we might be able to help you seek monetary compensation for the expenses and losses that stem from the distracted driving accident. Our team may also help you prove the cost of your accident and negotiate a financial settlement with the at-fault driver.
You Might Be Entitled to Financial Compensation
The financial impact of a texting while driving accident might be the responsibility of the at-fault driver. To prove that the driver may be obligated to compensate you for your injuries, our team may establish the legal elements of neglect and help you define the costs of the following accident-related expenses:
- Current medical care
- Future medical care
- Current income loss
- Future income loss
- Vehicle repair costs
- Vehicle replacement value
- Physical disfigurement
- Mental and emotional trauma
- Physical pain and suffering
- Therapy and rehabilitation
On your own, calculating many of these costs can be complicated. For example, it may be easier to assign a value to tangible costs (like future medical care and reduced earning capacity) versus intangible costs (like pain and suffering and emotional trauma).
You do not have to calculate these expenses and losses on your own. Contact the case assessment team at the Morelli Law Firm by calling (212) 751-9800 to learn more about how an Englewood texting while driving accident lawyer may help you establish the value of your injury lawsuit.
Have You Been Injured In An Accident? Contact Morelli Law
877-751-9800Prove the Cause and Cost of Your Injuries
The severity of the injuries you sustain in an Englewood car accident might not allow you to build your evidence file on your own. Our team might be able to step in and help you gather the information, evidence, and data you need to pursue compensation from the at-fault driver. We can also:
- Review and dissect your crash report for details
- Read and review your medical records and bills
- Collect smartphone, dash, and mounted cameras
- Identify, locate, and interview accident witnesses
Our team can help you compile the evidence you need to prove the cause of the accident and establish its overall cost. We may also use the evidence that proves the cost of the accident to assign a financial value to your lawsuit.
Obtain a Copy of Your Crash Report
Your crash report is a valuable tool for our case assessment team. New Jersey Revised Statutes § 39:4-130 requires filing a crash report if anyone involved in the accident was injured, died, or sustained more than $500 in vehicle damage. Your crash report is valuable because it will help our team contact all relevant parties and witnesses. It may also tell us:
- Road characteristics and environmental conditions
- Type and location of evident physical injuries
- Crash diagrams and contributing circumstances
- Crash descriptions and sequence of events
Bring us a copy of your crash report right away. We could use it to establish the foundation of your evidence file and to prove the cause, cost, and extent of your physical and financial damages.
Collect Additional Evidence for Your Evidence File
Your crash report is not the only evidence we may include in your case file. We might also add the following items to help bolster and support your right to compensation:
- Health care records
- Health care bills
- Injury photos
- Accident scene photos
- Witness observations
- Available video footage
Inform a member of our personal injury team if you can add any of these items to your evidence file.
Do Not Wait to Pursue an At-Fault Driver
If a motorist’s texting while driving put your safety in danger and caused you to have an accident, you may have the right to recover financial compensation. Because time is of the essence and building an effective case takes time, you may want to involve our team in your compensation claim or lawsuit right away.
Find out how an Englewood texting while driving accident lawyer can help you hold the negligent driver financially liable for the collision. Contact the personal injury team at the Morelli Law Firm by calling (212) 751-9800 today.
Call or text 877-751-9800 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form