School buses safely transport students to and from school, sporting events, and field trips every day. You might have a claim for financial compensation against the school bus driver, company, or manufacturer if:
- You are the parent of an injured child.
- You were the driver of an involved vehicle.
Review your role in the accident, the circumstances of the collision, and your probability for financial compensation with a Long Island school bus accident lawyer. Your lawyer might be able to help prove the cause of the accident, establish the required legal elements of your claim, and assign a financial value to your injuries and related expenses.
When you are ready to seek compensation to cover the financial costs of the accident, contact a personal injury team member at the Morelli Law Firm by calling (212) 751-9800 today.
School Bus Accident Statistics
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) statistics, 126 school bus occupants were fatally injured in accidents between 2008 and 2017. Their research also points to the size discrepancy between school buses and passenger cars as a causal factor in the injuries and fatalities of vehicle occupants.
A smaller school bus can weigh as much as 10,000 pounds, according to NHTSA research. Due to their size and design, larger school buses distribute crash forces differently than other types of vehicles, allowing passengers to “experience much less crash force than those in passenger cars, light trucks, and vans.”
If you or someone you love was injured in a collision with a school bus, and you did not cause the accident, you might be entitled to financial awards for your injuries. Find out how our team can fight for the full monetary compensation that the bus driver’s negligence may qualify you to receive.
Have You Been Injured In An Accident? Contact Morelli Law
877-751-9800Maximize Your Financial Recovery After a School Bus Accident
If negligence on the part of a school bus driver or company on Long Island caused an accident where you were injured, you might be entitled to financial compensation. You might be able to have these expenses paid by the at-fault party:
- Required medical care
- Forced income loss
- Physical pain and suffering
- Emotional pain and suffering
- Property damage or destruction
While you recover from your injuries or help your child recover from theirs, it can be difficult to focus on your compensation claim. Our client support team can help you calculate your claim’s monetary value and fight for you to receive the best possible financial outcome through an insurance settlement or by going to court.
Consider Contacting Our Personal Injury Team Right Away
Time plays a critical role in your fight for financial compensation. New York Civil Practice Law & Rules (CVP) §214 generally limits you to three years to file a personal injury lawsuit for monetary compensation. The clock on the statute of limitations starts running as soon as the accident occurs, so you might not want to hesitate to contact a member of our personal injury team right away. These additional time restrictions might affect your filing deadline:
- Was your child involved in the school bus accident? Whether your minor son or daughter was riding on the school bus or a passenger in your vehicle at the time of the accident, according to CVP §208, their presence might alter the statute of limitations.
- If receiving compensation after a school bus accident involves suing a government agency (such as a public school district), you might be subject to CVP §217-A. It requires 90 days to give notice to the agency and limits your filing ability to one year and 90 days.
A Long Island school bus accident lawyer might be able to help you understand the intricacies of the filing restrictions and their potential impact on your case. Contact the personal injury team at the Morelli Law Firm by calling (212) 751-9800 today.
Assess Your School Bus Accident Injuries
Part of your compensation after a school bus accident is the cost of current and future medical expenses. When deciding on the financial value of your physical injuries, your lawyer and the at-fault party’s representative might look at the classification of your injuries. Their severity and resulting medical care can make a big difference in your total compensation package.
The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) classifies accident injuries into specific categories. According to severity, injury categories include:
- K: Immediate fatalities that occur at the accident scene or within 30 days due to injuries sustained in the crash.
- A: Critical injuries that prevent the victim from leaving the scene of the accident without assistance, such as broken bones or internal bleeding.
- B: Moderate injuries that require treatment, including visible wounds (cuts and scrapes), knots on the head, and bruising.
- C: Minor injuries that do not produce visible wounds but might include vomiting, temporary unconsciousness, or signs of anxiety.
Your medical records and bills will help both sides of the compensation claim determine the financial impact of your injuries. Recovering the cost of your medical care is only the beginning of valuing your compensation claim. Our team will keep working to uncover the total cost of the accident and fight for full financial recovery.
Contact our Long Island Bus Accidents Lawyers today
877-751-9800Let Us Help You Assign Financial Liability
The injuries you sustain in a school bus accident can prevent you from fully participating in your compensation claim. Navigating the legal system can also add to your stress and confusion after an accident. We might be able to help you assign financial liability to the appropriate party and get the compensation you deserve.
A Long Island school bus accident lawyer might be able to simplify the process and help you navigate the legal process. Contact the personal injury team at the Morelli Law Firm by calling (212) 751-9800 today to learn more about how our team will fight for your financial recovery.
Call or text 877-751-9800 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form