If the sexual abuser denies the allegations against them, contact a sexual abuse lawyer in New York for advice on how to proceed with a lawsuit. Also, follow the steps below to help yourself prepare for suing your abuser.
Stay Calm
It’s natural to feel discouraged if your abuser denies what happened to you. They may even start attacking you again for your allegation. Remember that denial is a typical defense mechanism and not a reflection of the validity of your claims.
You have the power of the law on your side. Even if your abuser is in a position of power or a large institution, they must submit to the laws of this country. You can get justice with the aid of a sexual abuse lawyer.
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877-751-9800Gather and Preserve Evidence
Gather any evidence that can support your sexual abuse case. This might include text messages, emails, photographs, or videos. Additionally, document all interactions that might be relevant, including the denial and any further actions taken by your abuser against you.
Also, see a doctor as soon as possible. If the abuse was recent, they may be able to collect forensic evidence to prove you were abused. If it wasn’t, there may still be signs in your medical records that point to abuse, like strange bruising or sudden changes in mood and behavior.
Know Your Legal Options
Your sexual abuser may also face criminal charges. In a criminal case, the state prosecutes the abuser to see if they committed the crime beyond a reasonable doubt. The abusers will face punishment if the state meets this goal.
At the same time, you can file a civil lawsuit for financial compensation against your abuser. You do not have to wait until the criminal case is done. The findings of the criminal case may help you with your civil lawsuit.
There is also a lower bar of success for civil lawsuits. As long as your evidence shows that your allegations are more likely than not likely, you meet the standard. Do not despair if your abuser beats their criminal charges. You may still be able to collect damages.
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877-751-9800Seek Legal Advice to Counter Denial of Your Allegations
Take your evidence and contact a sexual abuse lawyer to get legal advice and support with filing a lawsuit against your abuser. They will explain your rights, help you craft your legal response, and represent you in all legal proceedings.
A lawsuit will help you get financial compensation if you win, but more than that, it will force your abuser to prove their denial of your sexual abuse. The court will not take them at their word, no matter how powerful they are.
Forcing a lawsuit will also put your allegations into the public eye. For some abusers, this is enough reputational damage that they may push to settle before court so their crimes are not exposed to the public.
Prepare for Pushback
If you pursue legal action, either civilly or criminally, be prepared for the abuser to deny the allegations formally in these settings as well. Your attorney can prepare you for what to expect, including how to handle depositions, testimony, and cross-examinations.
It’s important to stay committed to your cause and remember that your voice deserves to be heard. Legal processes can be lengthy and challenging, but persistence is key to achieving justice.
You may be able to avoid publicly appearing in court about your claim. Your sexual abuse lawyer knows how sensitive these matters can be. They can make arrangements to preserve your privacy as much as possible without causing harm to your case.
Consider Therapeutic Support
Dealing with denial from an abuser can be emotionally taxing. Engaging with a therapist who specializes in trauma and sexual abuse can provide you with the emotional support needed to cope with this challenging time.
Consider sharing your experiences and feelings with trusted friends or family members who can offer support. Isolation can be damaging, and having a support network is crucial. However, follow your lawyer’s advice about what you can and can’t say about your case for legal purposes.
There are also national sexual abuse survivor charities that can provide resources to help you. A trusted one is the Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN). We encourage you to visit their site after speaking with us.
It’s natural to feel upset and frustrated if your sexual abuser denies your allegations. However, remember that legal professionals and a strong support network can help you recover from what happened to you.
Morelli Law can help you get the legal support you need after a sexual abuse experience. Don’t let your abuser get away with it. Recent changes in law may make suing an abuser possible even if it happened long ago.
Get help by contacting Morelli Law Firm by phone at the number listed on this page. You can also use our contact form to make an appointment.
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