A Clifton car accident lawyer from Morelli Law Firm can fight for compensation on your behalf following a car accident. This can include compensation to cover medical bills, time missed at work during recovery, and other damages.
Hiring our team can be your first step to seeking a settlement for your injuries. Our lawyers can help with filing your claim, gathering the evidence needed to support it, and identifying all at-fault parties and sources of liability.
Steps to Filing an Injury Claim After a Car Accident
Working with a Clifton, NJ, car accident lawyer from our firm can ease the process of filing an injury claim or lawsuit. Our services include everything from preparing your case to determining liability and helping you assess the damages.
Gathering Documentation of Your Collision
A car crash attorney from our Passaic County team can help you understand which forms of evidence will help support a strong case. Moreover, our team can gather them for you. A successful and fair compensation case requires submitting sufficient evidence to show:
- How the collision led to your injuries
- How the other driver’s actions led to the collision
- How the collision has affected your life
Relevant documentation could include the police report, statements from on-scene witnesses, and your medical records.
Assessing the Impact of a Motor Vehicle Accident
When determining how much financial compensation to seek in your case, we must account for all the ways the accident affected your life. Your injuries may reflect the largest impact, but you may also face financial and emotional losses.
Other damages from the collision can include:
- The time you had to miss from work while recovering from your injuries
- Any emotional or mental trauma you experienced
- Any disruptions to your life, such as a loss of ability to work
Filing a Compensation Claim with Your Insurance Company
New Jersey’s no-fault insurance policy means that accident victims typically file claims with their own insurance policies for car accidents. However, if your injury expenses exceed your policy’s limitations, you may be able to file a claim for compensation against the liable party.
If you are unable to agree on a fair settlement during negotiations, you may be able to take your case to court.
If you are unsure of your options for seeking compensation, our team can outline them for you after reviewing your case. We can advise you on the best steps to take in your case, though the final decision is always up to you.
Have You Been Injured In An Accident? Contact Morelli Law
877-751-9800Reacting to Car Accidents Involving Corporate Entities
There is a chance, in the wake of a car accident, that you may discover the driver involved in your accident was on duty when said accident occurred. If this is the case, and if that driver is protected by their employer, the matter of liability may become complicated.
More specifically, some employers are willing to take on liability for their drivers in the wake of roadway accidents. If the driver with whom you got into an accident is protected by their employer, you may have to name that employer liable for your losses in a complaint.
Contending with a corporate legal team after a car accident can intimidate even the most stalwart of souls. Fortunately, you can collaborate with a car accident lawyer in Clifton, NJ, to ensure that your losses are respectfully addressed.
What Types of Damages Can You Seek?
Damages are the types of compensation you can receive if you win your claim or lawsuit. They are based on the ways the accident has affected your life, from financial to personal aspects.
When car wreck lawyers take your case, you can rest assured that we will fight for the maximum compensation, putting all of our experience and knowledge to work to prove your right to damages and what you qualify to recover. We have further outlined your potentially recoverable damages below.
Medical Expenses
Medical costs can include both the medical bills you have now and any that will result in the future due to your injuries. Examples of common medical costs from car accidents include surgeries, emergency room costs, prescriptions, in-home care, and rehabilitation.
Lost Wages
If your injuries kept you from going to work, damages for lost wages will take into account the income and benefits you were unable to earn during that time.
This could also include your loss of ability to work if you will be unable to return to your job due to permanent disability, as well as any lost earning capacity if you take a lower-paying position.
Pain and Suffering
Any trauma you experienced that led to emotional anguish or distress can be recoverable through your case. The damages you receive should reflect what you have been through. Other non-economic damages can be included when your quality of life has been impacted. These may include loss of enjoyment or loss of consortium.
Property Damage
If you have been involved in a car accident in Clifton, NJ, you may be entitled to compensation for property damage. Property damage is the physical damage done to your vehicle or other property as a result of the accident. This can include repair costs, replacement costs, and even rental car fees if your vehicle is not drivable.
Wrongful Death
If you are filing because you lost a loved one in an automobile accident, wrongful death damages could cover funeral and burial costs and help atone for the unexpected loss.
In the event of gross negligence, punitive damages may be assessed. A Clifton car accident lawyer can help to explain when these damages may be applied in a specific case.
Contact our Clifton Personal Injury Lawyers today
877-751-9800Laws that May Affect Your Car Accident Injury Case
The following laws may play a role in your car accident injury case, from when you must submit your paperwork to its final outcome. Car accident attorneys in Clifton, NJ, can further explain the following statutes and any other laws that may affect your case.
New Jersey’s Statutes of Limitations
The statute of limitations sets a time limit on how long you have to file a car accident injury lawsuit, which is two years in New Jersey, according to NJ Rev Stat §2A:14-2. The window to file begins the day of your accident. While this may seem like plenty of time, many things can cause delays during this process, including the investigation and negotiations.
Violation of the statute of limitations can result in the dismissal of your case. Our team will make sure that you are aware of the deadline and file the paperwork for your lawsuit on time.
Negligence in Personal Injury Claims
NJ Rev Stat §2A:15-5.1, New Jersey’s comparative negligence law, states that you will see reduced compensation for your personal injury case if you contributed to the car accident in any way.
Proving negligence requires showing that another party is liable because:
- They failed in their duty to drive according to traffic laws and safe driving practices
- Their actions led to the accident and your injuries
A car accident attorney in Clifton can investigate to identify the at-fault parties and provide you with the legal representation you need to establish and prove liability.
What to Expect After Filing a Car Accident Claim
Filing a car accident claim in New Jersey gives you the opportunity to choose how you pursue compensation for your losses. When acting alongside civil courts in the state, you have the right to either negotiate for financial support independently or request that a judge oversee your trial.
You cannot proceed with either of these actions without first filing your claim. Should you choose to pursue negotiations, you can then consult with the defendant’s representation and set a time to meet outside of Court. Negotiations are plaintiff driven and will rely on your and your representatives pre-planning to remain on topic.
If you’re not able to communicate with the defendant or believe that your case may progress more smoothly with the attention of a judge, you can request that you begin the process of discovery. From there, a judge and jury will have the right to determine what compensation to which you may be entitled.
Settlement Negotiations Versus Civil Trials
Neither settlement negotiations nor civil trials are inherently better than the other. Instead, each of these approaches serves its own purpose.
For example, settlements allow you more control over the discussion of your right to support. You control when you meet with another party and what estimate of your case’s value you present to said party. You can then decide, if necessary, what manner of compromise you want to come to with the offending party.
Civil trials best suit car accident cases wherein a party is reluctant or entirely unwilling to acknowledge their role in your accident. Civil car accident trials tend to take longer to resolve than negotiations. If you’d rather take a hands-off approach to your case, however, trials, despite their lengthiness, can ease some of the stress from your mind.
Reasons to Work with a Lawyer from Our Firm
Our auto accident attorneys have won multiple settlements for car accident victims in Clifton and the surrounding communities, and we are prepared to do the same for you. When you work with a personal injury attorney from our law firm, you will gain access to the full services and support of our team throughout your case proceedings.
Your personal injury lawyer will remain dedicated to your case, offer legal advice, and communicate with insurance companies and lawyers on your behalf.
Contact the Attorneys at Morelli Law Firm for Help After a Car Accident
If you suffered injuries after a collision because of another driver, you should not have to pay for your own medical bills or make up for the paychecks you missed. Car accident injury cases can bring compensation for damages that you suffered from the accident, and a Clifton accident attorney can help you get started.
At Morelli Law Firm, our experienced car accident attorneys are dedicated to helping victims of car accidents obtain the maximum compensatory damages possible in their personal injury claims.
We understand how difficult it can be to navigate the legal system after a serious accident, and we are here to provide you with the support and guidance you need. Our team of lawyers will work diligently to ensure that your rights are protected throughout the entire process.
Request a case evaluation by contacting Morelli Law Firm for a free consultation today.
Call or text 877-751-9800 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form