If you fall victim to someone else’s road rage, trust that New York civil law has your back. The aggressive driving wreck lawyers in Brooklyn can help you demand fair compensation based on your losses.
You have the right to contact a Brooklyn car accident lawyer with Morelli Law Firm to request legal support after an aggressive driving accident. Don’t let someone get away with dangerous roadways! We can work together to make Brooklyn’s roads safer.
How to Identify Aggressive Driving
Many forms of aggressive driving see the offending driver violate local roadway law. “Aggressive driving” can describe behaviors including the failure to use a signal, speeding in controlled areas, and tailgating. All of these behaviors may entitle Brooklyn police officers to ticket the offending driver or even arrest them.
Brooklyn personal injury lawyers know that some aggressive drivers refuse to stay on the scene of an accident that they caused because they believe fleeing the scene will limit their liability. This is not the case.
While you should never pursue an aggressive driver or interact with them in such a way as to put yourself in danger, remaining on the scene and assessing the extent of your losses can help you take action against that driver later down the line.
How to Interact With an Aggressive Driver
Aggressive drivers can get in your face and attempt to intimidate you out of your rights to legal action. You don’t have to stand by and let these parties verbally abuse you or physically put you in danger. We recommend that you remain on the scene near your accident and document what you can, including the driver’s license plate and the extent of the damage done to your car.
If possible, take a video of the aggressive driver’s continued bad behavior so that you might later use it in either a criminal or civil case. Should the offending driver try to reach for your phone or otherwise physically endanger you, call for help and make sure that police officers know that you are in danger.
Aggressive drivers who engage in assault or battery can compound the criminal charges that the state of New York chooses to bring against them. You, in turn, can accuse these parties of exasperating you or aggressive driving accident losses as you fight for loss-based compensation in civil court.
Have You Been Injured In An Accident? Contact Morelli Law
877-751-9800How to Get Back on Your Feet After an Aggressive Driving Accident
Everyone has their own tricks that they can use to get back on their feet after an aggressive driving accident. Our team knows that you don’t have to go through the process alone, though. We believe that if you want to recover fully from your accident, you should:
Call an Attorney
Aggressive driving accidents can leave you with serious injuries that make it difficult or impossible to meet your daily needs. Those needs demand the bulk of your attention and may make it difficult for you to even think about pursuing legal action against the party responsible for your losses.
You can maintain the right to pursue legal action against the offending party, though, if you work with an experienced aggressive driving accident attorney in Brooklyn. Our team can take a closer look at the circumstances that led to your accident and make sure that you take the steps necessary to exercise your legal rights in the wake of someone else’s negligence.
Moreover, our team provides you with these services on contingency. We do not exasperate your financial stress but rather only get paid if we win fair compensation on your behalf. You can learn more about our contingency fee agreements when you sit down with our personal injury attorneys for an aggressive driving accident case evaluation.
Consider Filing an Insurance Claim
Even aggressive drivers have a responsibility to maintain New York’s minimum liability insurance when driving on Brooklyn roads. Should an offending driver have the coverage they need to help you recover from some of your losses, you can file a claim with their insurance provider.
Morelli Law Firm recommends that you bring a Brooklyn aggressive driving accident attorney to conversations with an insurance provider after a dangerous accident. Why? Because insurance claims adjusters can try to gaslight you or minimize your losses in an effort to save money.
You can get ahead of this bad-faith Behavior by working with an attorney and pre-establishing the total value of your losses. You can also prepare to take an offending party to a civil trial. Should an insurance provider’s bad faith behavior continue despite your efforts to bring forward evidence of aggressive driving losses, Morelli Law Firm can sue the provider on your behalf.
File Your Claim With a Comprehensive Request for Support
You deserve comprehensive financial support following another driver’s aggressive behavior and subsequent accident. With that in mind, make sure that the competition you request from an offending driver includes the economic and non-economic losses that stem from your accidents.
Our aggressive driving accident attorneys in Brooklyn can help you determine which losses you can most readily integrate into your claim. These can range from the replacement of damaged property, the cost of essential rentals, and compensation for medical expenses, as well as the dollar value of emotional distress and pain and suffering.
Make sure that you bring your completed claim against an aggressive driver forward within the three years allotted to you by New York Civil Practice Law & Rules section 214. you cannot file a personal injury claim outside of New York’s personal injury statute of limitations if you want to win the right to argue for compensation in civil court.
Count on Morelli Law Firm to Fight for You
You don’t deserve to face the consequences of someone else’s road rage. You can hold these dangerous drivers accountable for their aggressive driving without putting yourself in danger. Morelli Law Firm can stand up on your behalf and conduct an investigation into your losses.
The efforts of our Brooklyn, NY, aggressive driving crash lawyers can win you the support you need to recover – but only if you ask for help. You can reach out to our firm today to book a FREE car accident case evaluation. We’re available to schedule your first appointment online or by phone.
Call or text 877-751-9800 or complete a Free Case Evaluation form